The Gazette 1930-33
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
not affording visibility to traffic ; (c) where the locus in quo is a straight road or one not involving peculiar bends or gradients. (4) A map would assist the Court in cases where the locus presents some special feature of importance not easily visualised, e.g., a meeting of roads at various angles, or some peculiar double curve. (5) On occasions maps are produced by each party. As a rule this is unneces– sary, and double expense might be avoided if the respective Solicitors agree before a map is made. (6) Ordnance Sheets are not evidence unless the parties agree, but their Lordships think more use might be made of these by agreement. The letter intimated that when Judge Davitt resumes his judicial duties, the letter received from the Secretary and the reply of the County Registrar will be submitted to him. LIST OF STATUTES passed by the Oireachtas during the year 1930 1. Seanad Bye-Elections. 2. National Monuments. 3. University Education (Agriculture and DairyScience). 4. Finance (New Customs Duties). 5. Constitution (Amendment No. 12). 6. Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions). 7. Central Fund. 8. Military Service Pensions.
9. State Lands (Workhouses). 10. Agricultural Produce (Fresh Meat). 11. Game Preservation. 12. 13. Censorship of Films (Amendment). 14. Civil Service (Transferred Officers) Compensation(Amendment). 15. Civic Guard (Acquisition of Premises) (Amendment). 16. Wild Birds Protection. 17. Illegitimate Children (Affiliation Orders). 18. Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest (Restrictions). 19. Electricity (Supply) (Amendment). 20. Finance. 21. Appropriation. 22. Housing. 23. School Meals (Gaeltacht). 24. Trade Loans (Guarantee) (Amendment). 25. Labourers. 26. Local Government (Amendment). 27. Local Government (Dublin). 28. Electoral (Dublin Commercial). 29. Vocational Education. 30. Currenc}? (Amendment). 31. Tariff Commission (Amendment). 32. Expiring Laws. 33. Unemployment Insurance. 34. Education (Provision of Meals) (Amend– ment). 35. Portuguese Treaty. 36. Agricultural Produce (Eggs). ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin, C.17. Public Charitable Hospitals (Temporary Provisions).
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