The Gazette 1930-33

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


JANUARY, 1931]

Mr. Robert Baillie, Mr. J. B. McCutcheon and Mr. J. G. H. Wilson. Committees of the Council. Committees of the Council for year ending 26th November, 1931, were appointed. OBITUARY. MR. JOHN GILLESPIE, Solicitor, died upon the 7th December, 1930, at his residence, Greystone House, Glaslough, Co. Monaghan. Mr. Gillespie served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Joseph Wright and Mr. William Martin, Monaghan; was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1903, and practised at Castleblayney. MR. QUINTIN W. KENNEDY, Solicitor, died upon the 17th December, 1930, in Dublin. Mr. Kennedy served his apprenticeship with his father, the late Mr. Alexander D. Kennedy, Dublin ; was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1885, and practised at 29 South Frederick Street, Dublin. MR. FRANCIS J. LEVIS, Solicitor, died upon the 27th December, 1930, at his residence, The Cottage, Ringsdale, Ballinhassig, Co. Cork. Mr. Levis was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1884, and practised at 52 Grand Parade, Cork. Patrick C. Moore, 3 Palace Street, Dublin Reginald J. Nolan, Kilkenny. Donough O'Donovan, 3 St. Andrew Street, Dublin. Brendan T. Walsh, 16 Lr. O'Connell Street, Dublin. APPOINTMENTS. Mr. Patrick Rooney, Solicitor, 34 Kildare Street, Dublin, has been appointed to be a Commissioner for the State of New York for acknowledging Deeds and administering Oaths. NEW MEMBERS. The following have joined the Society : William R. Hodnett, Youghal.

UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE ACT, 1930. The Unemployment Insurance Act, 1930, which, by Order made by the Minister for Industry and Commerce, came into operation on the 5th day of January, 1931, fixes new rates of contributions under the Unemploy–

ment Insurance Acts as follows : Contributions at ordinary rates Total From





Man ................Is. Id.

7d. 6d.

6d. 5d. 3d.



Boy ................ 6|d. Girl................. 5|d.




PRODUCTION OF MAPS IN CIRCUIT COURT CASES. The Council having directed a letter to be written to the County Registrar of Dublin, requesting the attention of the Circuit Court Judges of Dublin to the desirability of their settling an uniform practice in the matter of production of maps in collision cases heard before them, has received a reply from the County Registrar stating that Judge Shannon and Judge Roche have considered the matter, and that their views are as follows : (1) It is impossible to lay down a hard and fast rule to guide the practitioners. Whether the Solicitor for plaintiff or defendant will in any case produce a map, must be left to a large extent to the judgment and experience of the Solicitor. A lot must depend upon the geographical situation and peculiarities of the locus in quo, and the points to be made for or against either party. (2) Their Lordships are aware that the question of expense must often be a deterrent factor. In no case where a party's means do not reasonably permit the expense of a map will one be required. (3) In the following cases a map will, as a rule, not be necessary : (a) City cases ; (b) where the accident took place at right angle cross roads, unless some special attention is directed to the boundaries, i.e., walls, hedges, build– ings, etc., of these roads as affording or

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