The Gazette 1924-27
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
APRIL, 1926]
War, 1914-1918, were salved in good con– dition from the ruins of the Solicitors' Buildings, and have now been placed in position on the staircase wall in the Society's temporary premises at 45 Kildare Street, Dublin. Library. The Council acknowledge with thanks the following gifts of books presented to the Society's Library : A complete set of the Irish Statutes from 1310-1800. The President (Dr. T. G. Quirke). A large number of Law Books from Library of the late Lord Justice Ronan. Mrs. MacCarthy Mahony. Carleton's County Court (1878), and Wright and Hobhouse : Local Government and Local Taxation, England and Wales. Mr. J. Barry Brown. Chaytor: Tithe Rent-charge, Supplement, 1900. Mr. P. J. Tallan. Green : Bills of Sale, Ireland. Mr. C. M. Grimes. Society's Calendars, 1889, 1891, 1892 and 1908. Mr. H. Malley. Statutes of Ireland, a Collection of. Mr. James Poe. Statutes of Ireland, a Collection of ; Coke on Littleton ; Jacob's Law Dictionary, 1773, and Vol. of Statutes, 44 Geo. III. Mr. H. H. Langrishe. Statutes 1894. Mr. 0. P. Beater. ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, 45 Kildare Street, Dublin.
MR.'FRANK MAYNE, Solicitor, died upon the 16th March, 1926, at his residence, Warrenhill, Clogher. Mr. Mayne was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1884, and practised at Clogher. MR. JOHN MORAN, Solicitor, died upon the 29th March, 1926, at his residence, Upper William Street, Listowel. Mr. Moran was admitted hi Michaelmas Sittings, 1884, and practised at Listowel. New Members. The following have joined the Society : Clerke, William J., Mountmellick. McDowell, Dermot M., 3 College Green, Dublin. Ryan, Edward T., Rathdowney. Court Officers' Bill. A deputation from the Council, consisting of the President and two Vice-Presidents, together with the Secretary, had an inter– view, on the 26th March, with the Minister for Justice, who was accompanied by Mr. O'Friel, Secretary, in reference to the Court Officers' Bill, which has been read a second time in the Bail. The deputation submitted to the Minister a number of amendments, which were fully discussed, and to which he undertook to give further consideration. War Memorial. The bronzes of the War Memorial erected in the Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, to Irish Solicitors and to Apprentices of Irish Solicitors who gave their lives in the great
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