The Gazette 1924-27
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April, 1926.
Vol. XIX., No. 10.]
Court Officers' Bill. A Chamber of Commerce, letter was read from the Secretary, inviting a repre– sentative of the Council of this Society to attend a meeting of the Law and Parlia– mentary Committee of the Chamber, to discuss the Court Officers' Bill. At the request of the Council the President con– sented to attend. Obituary. MR. ARTHUR H. ORPEN, Solicitor, died upon the 6th March, 1926, at his residence, Oriel, Stillorgan, County Dublin. Mr. Orpen served his apprenticeship with his father, the late Sir Richard J. T. Orpen, Dublin ; was admitted in Trinity Term, 1852, and practised at 33 Anglesea Street, Dublin, as a member of the firm of Messrs. Orpen and Sweeny until 1924, when he retired. MR. NICHOLAS SHORTAL, Solicitor, died upon the 12th March, 1926, at his residence, Parliament Street, Kilkenny. Mr. Shortal served his apprenticeship with Mr. Arthur G. Boyd, Kilkenny; was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1893, and practised at Kilkenny.
Meetings of the Council.
March 9th. Twenty Members present. Court Officers' Bill.
The Council was specially convened this day to consider the Court Officers' Bill, which had been introduced in the Dail by the Minister for Justice. The provisions of the Bill having been discussed, it was resolved that Parts I. and IV. be referred to the Court and Offices Committee, and Parts II. and III. be referred to the Circuit and Districts Courts Committee ; and the Com– mittees having met separately were sub– sequently to meet jointly to draft amend– ments, and arrange for an interview with the Minister.
March 18th. Twenty Members present. Resignation.
A letter was read from Mr. P. V. C. Murtagh, of Athlone, resigning his member– ship of Council owing to his inability to attend its meetings. The resignation was accepted with regret. Mr. W. J. Dwyer, of Roscrea, being first on the Supplemental List, succeeds to the vacancy.
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