The Gazette 1924-27


The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society or Ireland.


cases in the allocating of the purchase monies advanced by the Land Commission, and he. lias requested the Council to urge the members of the profession who are Solicitors on record for Vendors of estates in which monies stand to credit unallocated to use all possible expedition in having the funds to credit allocated. Library. The Council acknowledge with thanks the following gifts to the Society's Library, in response to the request contained in the Society's Gazette for January : Mr. S. J. Brown The Society's Calendars, 1887, 1894 and 1899. Mr. C. W. Battley The Society's Calendar, 1888. Mr. W. J. Hunter The Society's Calendars, 1900 and 1901. Mr. E. R. McC. Dix The Society's Calendar, 1921. Mr. G. Birney The Society's Calendar, 1921. Mr. C. Baillie-Gage The Society's Calendar, 1921. Mr. H. G. Cooper The Annual Reports of the Council, 1841-1876, bound in two volumes. And the Council also thank Mr. M. J. Byrne for Vols. 1-13, Irish Law Reports. The Council would be grateful for copies of the Society's Calendar for the following years: 1889, 1890, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895 and 1898. April Examinations, 1925. The Final Examination will be held on 1st, 2nd and 3rd days of April, at the Royal College of Surgeons, Saint Stephen's Green, Dublin, at 10 o'clock a.m. each day. Notices of intention to attend should be lodged in the Secretary's Office, 33 Molesworth Street, Dublin, before 18th March. The Preliminary Examination will be held on 6th and 7th days of April, at the Royal College of Surgeons, Saint Stephen's Green, Dublin, at 10 o'clock a.m. each day. Notices of intention to attend should be lodged in the Secretary's Office, 33 Molesworth Street, Dublin, before 21st March. IHE GAZETTI-: (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary oi the Society, 33 Molesworth Street, Dubliny:' o:!X?BiU ALL communications connected witli

County of Tyrone.-i-Omagh, Wednesday, March 18th, at 11 a.m. County of Londonderry. Deny, Monday, March 23rd, at 11.30 a.m. County of the City of Londonderry. Derry, Wednesday, March 25th, at 10.30 .am. Judges.— The Right Honourable the Lord Chief Justice, the Right Honourable Mr. Justice Brown. Registrars.— To the Lord Chief Justice A. P. Henry, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Law Courts, Belfast ; to Mr. Justice Brown J. J. Brown, Esq., J.P., Law Courts, Belfast. Appeals from Circuit Courts. The attention of the Council has been drawn to a circular issued to Clerks of the Peace prescribing the procedure in reference to appeals from the Circuit Courts and the notices which an appellant's Solicitor would be required to lodge, serve, and file respectively. The Council have had a com– munication made to the Ministry of Justice in reference to this circular, and a reply has been received from the Ministry dated 30th January, 1925, stating that the circular to which the Council objected would be with– drawn forthwith. The Ministry further stated that the procedure to be adopted would, pending the making of the rules, be that formerly in use for appealing from the Recorder or County Court ; that it would be necessary for the appellant's Solicitor to make formal requisition to the Clerk of the Peace for a transcript of the shorthand- writer's notes, and that it would be con– venient, but not compulsory, that Solicitors should specify in their notice of appeal as to whether they are appealing on law or facts, or both law and facts. Land Purchase Proceedings. Mr. Justice Wylie has called the attention of the Council to the large amount of advances made by the Land Commission which stand to the credit of estates and remain un– allocated. These advances amounted on the 19th January, 1925, to £667,498, and a considerable portion of this sum has been advanced and has remained unallocated for some years past. Mr. Justice Wylie has received complaints from Vendors and other persons interested in the .proceeds of"sales, of the great delay which has occurred in many

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