The Gazette 1924-27
'The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Connaught Circuit. Mr. E. A. Swayne, K.C. Commissioner : Tullamore, 5th February. Carrick-on-Shannon, 12th February. Sligo, 23rd February. Castlebar, 4th March. Roscommon, 30th March. Galway, 15th April. Midland Circuit.— Mr. M. J. Kenny, K.C. Commissioner: Mullingar, 5th February. Trim, 10th February. Dundalk, 17th February. Cavan, 2nd April. Lifford, 28th April. Munster Circuit. Mr. R. J. Doyle, K.C. Commissioner : Cork, 5th February. Monaghan, 3rd March. Longford, 19th March. In a letter from the Department of Justice, dated 5th February, in reply to an enquiry from the Society as to the right of audience of Solicitors on the hearing of appeals before the Commissioners, it is stated that the Minister had been advised " that the pro- " ceedings before the Commissioners under " the County Court Appeals Act, 1924, will " be conducted in exactly the same manner " as the appeals before the Judges of Assize " formerly. It will be noted, in fact, that " the powers, jurisdictions and privileges of " a Judge of Assize have been by Section 1, " Sub-Section (2) of the Act transferred to the " Commissioners of Appeal. Solicitors, therefore, will have such right of audience " as they would have had in former times " before the Judges of Assize." Northern Ireland Assizes. Circuit Dates. The Circuit will go out on Wednesday, 4th March, 1925, and Assizes will be held for the following Counties : County of Antrim. Belfast, Wednesday, March 4th, at 12 noon. County of Down. Downpatrick, Friday, March 6th, at 12.30 p.m. County of Armagh. Armagh, Wednesday, March llth, at 1 pm. County of Fermanagh. Enniskillen, Monday, March 16th, at 11.30 a.m. Ennis, 23rd February. Limerick, 9th March. Tralee, 24th March!
Mr. Coates was an Extra-ordinary Member of the Council from 1905 to 1919. MR. JAMES ROSE BYRNE, Solicitor, died upon 15th January, 1925, at 21 Clare Street, Dublin. Mr. Byrne was admitted in Trinity Term, 1866, and practised at 21 Clare Street, Dublin. MR. MICHAEL J. O'MEARA, Solicitor, died upon the 22nd January, 1925, at his residence, Drumbawn, Birr. Mr. O'Meara served his apprenticeship with Sir George Roche, Dublin ; was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1899, and practised at Birr. MR. JAMES W. BLAKE, Solicitor, died upon the 28th January, 1925, at his residence, Revagh, Salthill, Galway. Mr. Blake served his apprenticeship with the late Sir William Findlater, Dublin ; was admitted in Hilary Term, 1864, and practised in partnership with the late Mr. Thomas H. Kenny, under the style of Blake & Kenny, at Galway. He was Crown Solicitor for the County of Galwav from 1890 to 1923. New Members. The following joined the Society during January : Brown, Ronald H., 23 Anglesea Street, Dublin. Early, Helena M., 16 Henry Street, Dublin. Civil Bill Appeals. The Commissioners appointed under the County Courts Appeals Act, 1924, \vill sit to hear Civil Bill Appeals upon the following dates : Leinster Circuit — Mr. Pigot, K.C. Commissioner.
Tipperary, N.R. 5th February. Tipperary, S.R. 12th February. Waterford 23rd February. Kilkenny 3rd March. Carlow 9th March.
Wicklow 16th March. Wexford 23rd March. Naas, 30th March. Maryborough, 2nd April.
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