The Gazette 1924-27

JULY, 1924


The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.

16. Ministers and Secretaries. 17. Electricity Undertakings (Continuance of Charges). 18. Juries (Amendment). 19. Old Age Pensions. 20. Enforcement of Law (Occasional Powers). 21. Compnnies (Reconstitution of Records) 22. Road Fund (Advances). 23. Civic Guard (Acquisition of Premises) (Amendment) Act. Statutes (Northern Ireland). The Statutes for 1921 and 1922 are now ready in cloth bound volumes, and can be obtained through Messrs. Hodges, Figgis & Co., Booksellers, 20 Nassau Street, Dublin. Price : 1921, 2s. 6d., Postage 2£d. 1922, 4s. 6d, Postage 4d. ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, 33 Molesworth Street, Dublin.

Irish Free State Acts, 1924. The following Acts have received King's Assent during the present year : 1. Public Safety. Powers of Arrest and Detention. 2. Court Officers (Temporary Appoint– ments.) 3. Dail Eireann Loans and Funds. 4. Coroner's Qualification. 5. Civil Service Regulation. 6. Fisheries. 7. Local Government Electors Registra– tion. 8. Central Fund. 9. Firearms (Temporary Provisions). 10. The Courts of Justice. 11. Local Government (Collection of Rates). 12. Summer Time. 13. Local Government (Temporary Pro– visions) (Amendment) 14. Housing (Building Facilities). 15. Public Safety (Punishment of Offences) Temporary Act. the

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