The Gazette 1924-27
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
JULY, .924]
Professor of Common Law. The Council on 25th June, elected Mr. Michael Dawson, B.A., R.U.I., Solicitor, to be Professor of Common Law in the room of Mr. Peter C. Furlong, B.A., R.U.I., Solicitor, whose term of office expires this Sittings. Mr. Dawson obtained first place at his final examination, was awarded a Silver Medal, and was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1906.
Thornhill, Wm. W., Solicitor, Cork. Commins, George A., Law Clerk, 13 Bachelor's Walk, Dublin. Crean, Cecilia, District Court Clerk, Clare- morris. Dardis, Leo, District Court Clerk. Kilkenny. Dowling, Thomas, Law Clerk, Kilkenny. Flanagan, William, Peace Commissioner, Tullamore. Hoey, Michael J., District Court Clerk, Bray. MacDermott, Charles, District Court Clerk, Ballaghaderrin and Charlestown. McCreery, Charles E., Auctioneer, Kil– kenny. McDowell, Maureen, Solicitor's Apprentice, 3 College Green, Dublin. McGowan, James, District Court Clerk, Sligo. McNally, John T., Law Clerk, Waterford. O'Brien, Michael, District Court Clerk, Ennis. O'Callaghan, Michael, District Court Clerk, Tipperary. Turnbull, John, Land Agent's Assistant, Tullamore. Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts. The Council lodged a claim for Compensa– tion in respect of the destruction of the Society's premises at the Four Courts, which the Society held on a 999 years' lease, at a nominal rent of one shilling per annum, from the Benchers of the King's Inns, and for compensation in respect of the destroyed contents of the premises. On the applica– tion of Counsel on behalf of the Society, on 27th June, the Circuit Judge of Dublin stated he would report under Section 15 of the Damage to Property (Compensation) Act, 1923, in favour of the agreed-on sum of £7,074 being awarded in respect of the destroyed contents, and he would adjourn the consideration of the claim in respect of the destroyed premises, and would reserve the question of costs.
Notaries Public. The following have been appointed to be Notaries Public : Mitchell, James D., Solicitor, Parsonstown. Thornhill, William W., Solicitor, Cork.
Commissioners to Administer Oaths. The following have been appointed Com– missioners to administer Oaths : Byrne, William J., Solicitor, 7 Lr. Ormond Quay, Dublin. . Corrigan, Wm. C. M., Solicitor, 3 St. Andrew Street, Dublin. Cusack, John, Solicitor, 3 Lr. Sackville Street, Dublin. Early, John, J. Solicitor, 16 Henry Street, Dublin. Fullerton, Thomas J., Solicitor, 32 Nassau Street, Dublin. Kearney, Matthew P., Solicitor, Thomas- town, Kilkenny. Lawlor, James J. F., Solicitor, 16 Lr. Sackville Street, Dublin. Little, Joseph J., Solicitor, 27 South Frederick Street, Dublin. Long, John A., Solicitor, 74 Dame Street, Dublin. McCabe, James J., Solicitor, Cork. O'Brien, Charles W., Solicitor, 8 Parlia– ment Street, Dublin. O'Meara, Barry M., Solicitor, Cork. Robinson, Thomas P., Solicitor, 4 Lr. Sackville Street, Dublin.
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