The Gazette 1921-25
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Vol. XVI., No. 10.]
April, 1923.
Meetings of the Council.
Land Purchase and Registry of Deeds, Northern Ireland. By an Order of the King in Council of 27th March, 1923, it was ordered that for the purpose of the administration of the Land Purchase Acts in Northern Ireland there should be a Commission called " The Land Purchase Commission, Northern Ireland," and all the powers and duties under the Land Purchase Acts of the Irish Land Commission, or the Court of that Commission, were, so far as respects Northern Ireland, thereby directed to be performed by the Land Purchase Commission, Northern Ireland ; and it was further ordered that any matter or proceeding relating to land in Northern Ireland which is pending in the Irish Land Commission on the day of transfer (31st March, 1923) shall be transferred to and continued in the Land Purchase Commission, Northern Ireland, subject to special pro visions as to pending matters or proceedings relating both to land in Northern Ireland and to land elsewhere. By another Order of the King in" Council of 27th March, 1923, it was ordered that for the purposes of the Registration of Deeds Acts, in their application to Northern Ireland, there should be established in Belfast a Registry of Deeds for Northern Ireland, and that any deed registrable-under those Acts, if and so far as it affects land in Northern Ireland, shall, after 31st March, 1923, be registrable in the Belfast Registry instead
March \*±th. Twenty-five Members present. Death of Mr. T. C. Franks.
A resolution was passed expressing the deep regret of the Council on the occasion of the death of Mr. Thomas C. Franks, a past President of the Society, and conveying the sympathy of the Council to the family in their bereavement. Accountant-General's Office. A report was submitted from a deputation of the Council who interviewed the Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs, and urged the necessity of an immediate increase in the staff of the Accountant-General of the Supreme Court, and received an assurance that the matter would receive immediate attention. Principal Probate Registry. A letter in reply was read from the Chair man of the Board of Works, stating that the request of the Council that additional room should be found at the Castle for the Principal Registry, so that papers leading to Grants would be retained in the Registry and not returned to the party lodging them, was being complied with, and the necessary rooms for storing such papers were being prepared for the purpose. -
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