The Gazette 1918-19
The Gazette of the Ineorporated Society of Ireland
AUGUST, 1918]
Roll of Honour. LIEUTENANT DAMKL O'RoRKE, Royal Gar- lisou Artillery, was killed in action on the 20th July, 1918. Lieutenant O'Rorke was apprenticed on the 10th September, 1914, to Mr. William E. O'Rorkp, Solicitor, 14 Donegal Street, Belfast. LIEUTENANT ALEXANDER M. TURNBULL, Royal Flying Corp*, missing nince the battle of Arms, on 25tli April, 1917, has been officially presumed killed in action. Lieutenant Tnrnbull served his apprenticeship with Mr. A. S. Megaw, Solicitor, Belfast, and passed his final Examination in October, 1914. In August, 1914, he volunteered as u Motor Cyclist, and on 22nd October, 1914. went on service in France as Despatch Rider, and served as such for two years. In October, 1916, he received a commission in the Royal Flying Corps. PKIVATE RICHARD COOKE WALLACE, Irish Guards, has been killed in action. Private Wallace served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Francis M. Fitt, Limerick, was ad mitted a Solicitor in Trinity Sittings 1906, and practised at Limerick. County Courts Costs Order. Four Courts, Dublin. THE RULES PUBLICATION ACT, 1893. NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of the Rules Publication Act, 1893, that the Rule making Authority prescribed by the County Offict-rs and Courts (Ireland) Act, 1877, proposes to make the Rule set out here- under, the same to come into operation as a Pro visional Rule and to continue in force until Rules shnll have been made in accordance with the provisions of the said Rules Publication Act. And notice is hereby further given, that copies of the said Rules as a draft Rule may be obtained on application to the Office of the Lord Chancel lor's Permanent Secretary. Dated thin 8th day of August, 1918. GERALD HOR\N, WHEREAS by "The County Officers and Courts (Ireland) Act, 1877," it was enacted that the Lord Chancellor, with the concurrence of the County Court Judges and Chairmen of Quarter Sessions in Ireland, or any live of them to be selected or nominated as in said Act if provided, Clerk of the Crown and Hanaper and Permanent Secretary to the Lord Chancellor of Ireland.
should frame and from to time scale of fees, coxts and charges to be paid to Counsel and Attorneys in suits and proceedings in the Civil Bill Courts, and that sucL scale or amended scalp, certified under the hands of the Lord Chancellor and any five of such Chairmen, should from and after such day a? should be fixed thereby be in f»nio in cv,-ry Civil Bill Court. AND WHERKAS at a meeting of the said JudgM, duly convened fov the purpose, the fol lowing five of theui, namely, His Honour Judge Brereton Barry, K.C., His Honour Judge Todd, K.C., the Recorder of Londonderry His Honour Judge Charles F. Doyle, K.C., His Honour Judge Johnston, K.C., and His Honour Judge Brown, K.C , were selected to frame mles and orders ag aforesaid : NOW I, The Right Honourable Sir James Henry Mu.ssen Campbell, Bart., Lord High Chancellor of Ireland, with the concurrence of the Judges, so selected as aforesaid, and in pur suance of the powers given by the said recited Act, have amended the scale of costs and charges, as shown in the Schedule hereto, as the scale of costs and charges to be paid to Solicitors in such proceedings in the Civil Bill Courts, and I, the said Right Honourable Sir James Henry Mussen Campbell, Bart., Lord High Chancellor of Ire land, with the concurrence of the said Judges, as testified by their signatures hereto, in pursuance of the powere given by the said Act and of all other powerg thereunto us en ibliug, do hereby certify the said further or supplemental scale of costs and charges, and that on account of urgency the said scale shall come into immediate opera tion, and do make and frame the said scale to come into operation forthwith as Provisional Rules. Dated this 25th day of July, 1918. JAMES H. CAMPBELL, C. R. BRERETON BARRY. ANDREW TODD. CHARLES F. DOYLE. WILLIAM JOHN JOHNSTON. W. HERBERT BROWN. SCHEDULE. 1. In all such proceedings under the juris diction of the county courts in Ireland as are regulated by Rules made by the Lord Chancellor with the concurrence of the County Court Judges and Chairmen of Quarter Sessions in Ireland, or any five of them, selected as in the County Officers and Courts (Ireland) Act, 1877, is pro vided, there shall be paid to Solicitors an increase time amend a
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