The Gazette 1918-19
The Gazette of the Incorporated Society of Ireland
[AUGUST, 1918
Commissioners to administer Oaths. The Lord Chancellor has appointed the follow ing to be Commissioner* to administer Oaths : Valentine F. Kirwan, Solicitor, 119 Stephen's Green, Dublin. David O'Fhiherty, Solicitor, Chief Secretary's Office, Dublin Castle. Daniel O'Grady, Solicitor, 22 Mary St., Dublin. James Rountree, Solicitor, Monaghan. Nathaniel M. Clarke, Clerk of Petty Sessions, Antrim. Robert Do.i<;an, Printer, Monaghan. James Hanim, Solicitor's Assistant, Ballybajr. Michael H. McCann, Clerk of Petty Sessions, Forkhill and CroHginaglen. John McSherry, Town Clerk, Ballybay. Percy T. Poole, Clerk of Petty Sessions, Curlow. Obituary, MR. MICHAEL D'ALTON, Solicitor, died upon the 29th June, 1918, at his residence, 7 Con- naught Place, Clonskengh, County Dublin. Mr. D1 Alton served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. William Roche, 72 Harcourt Street, Dublin ; was admitted in Michaelmas Term 1866 and practised formerly at 70 Middle Abbey St., Dublin, and latterly at 9 Eustace St., Dublin. MR. THOMAS I. MAYNE, Solicitor, died upon the 4th July, 1918. Mr. Mayne served his apprenticeship with Mr. Francis Mayne, Clogher; was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1890, and practised at Enniskillen. MR. WILLIAM GUEST LANE, Solicitor, died upon the 8th July, 1918, at his residence at Currabinny, County Cork. Mr. Lane served his apprenticeship with the ' late Mr. James Lane, 26 South Mall, Cork; was admitted in Michaelmas Term 1868, and prac tised in partnership with Mr. Charles J. Lane (under the style of W. G. Lane & Co.) at 26 South Mall, Cork. Mr. Lane was President of the Southern Law Association and was an Extra-Ordinary member of the Council of this Society. MR. JOHN GORE, Solicitor, died upon the 20th July, 1918, at his residence Lissadell, Shrewsbury Road, Dublin. Mr. Gore served his apprenticeship with Mr. Ignatius J. Rice, and Mr. Christopher Friery, 52 Rutland Square, Dublin; was admitted in Trinity Sittings 1899, and practised (latterly in partnership with Mr. Christopher M. Grimes under the style of Gore and Grimes) at 6 Caven dish Row, Dublin,
cations would be allowed, and the amount of such costs would be regulated by the amount for which judgment had been obtained on the con tract. County Court Costs. The President informed the Council that, with the two Vice-Presidents, Mr. Bradley and the Secretary, he had had an interview with th« Lord Chancellor a id County Court Judges on the subject of the County Court rule of 7th May increasing costs for the duration of the war, and that the deputation bad repeated the request originally made by the Council last February that a rule should be made allowing an increase of 25 per cent, on all County Court costs regulated by rules made by the Lord Chancellor and County Court Judges, with the result that the Lord Chancellor intimated that the request put lor- ward by the deputation would be complied with. The Order giving effect to the granting of this application appears in this Gazette. Council Meetings MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the following dates :— October 2nd, 16th and 30th. November 13th and 27ih. Committee Meetings. THE following Committee meeting) were held during July:— Costs, 3rd and 23rd. Gazette 4th. Court of Examiners, 9tb, 19;li & 29th Legal Appointments. Mr. Francis J. Anderson, MoorfieM, Armagh, has been appointed to the combined offices of Crown and Sessional Crown Solicitor for County Armagh in room of the late Mr. John Kilkelly, deceased, and of Mr. Samuel H. Monroe, re signed. New Members The following joined the Society since May, 1918:— Francis J. Anderson, Moorfield, Armagh. Charles Magwood, 53 Dame St., Dublin. James Reilly, Edenderry. John J. Smyth, Drogheda. Albert Woodcock, 67 Mid. Abbey St.,Dublia
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