The Gazette 1914-15

[MAY, 1914

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


to be issued by the Council of any county or urban district in the United Kingdom under the authority of any Act or Provisional Order ; and may from time to time, subject to the like conditions, vary any such investment. (2) The Public Trustee, in any case in which his sanction is required for an invest ment under this Section, shall, before sanctioning the investment, satisfy himself that there is a reasonable probability that the investment will, if realised.on the death of the tenant for life, or the termination of the trust, produce an amount not less than the sum invested ; and the Public Trustee shall not incur any liability on account of any sanction given or withheld by him in good faith. (3) The powers of investment conferred upon trustees by this section shall be in addition to any powers of investment con ferred on them by the terms of the settlement or by Act of Parliament, and such last- mentioned powers may be exercised notwith standing anything to the contrary in the settlement. (4) A trustee shall not incur any liability by reason of any investment made by him in exercise of the powers conferred by this section. (5) Sub-sections (1), (2), and (3) of section fifty-one of the Act of 1903 shall cease to have effect.

Railways. Canada. Canadian Pacific Railway 4% Debenture Stock. Ontario and Quebec Railway 5% Permanent Debenture Stock. The following are the terms of Section 38 of the Irish Land Act. 1909, above referred to :— 38.—(1) Where any land purchased by means of an advance under the Land Purchase Acts is settled land within the meaning of the Settled Land Acts, 1882 to 1890. the trustees of the settlement may, on the request of the tenant for life, notwith standing anything in the settlement to the contrary, invest the purchase money, or any part thereof, in the following manner (that is to say) :— (a) With the sanction of the Public Trustee— (I.) in any of the public stocks or funds or Government securities of any foreign government or state ; or (II.) in mortgages, bonds, debentures, or debenture stock charged upon the under taking of any railway company in the United States of America, Mexico, the Argentine Republic, or Canada, which has, during each of the five years last past before the date of investment, paid a dividend on its preference stock (if any) or its ordinary stock ; (b) and without such sanction— (I.) in the mortgages, bonds, debentures, or debenture stock of any railway company in the United Kingdom incorporated by special Act of Parliament which has, during each of the five years last past before the date of investment, paid a dividend on its preference stock (if any) or its ordinary stock, or in the preference stock of any such railway company which has, during a like period, paid a dividend on its ordinary stock ; (II.) in the stocks or shares of any tram way or light railway, dividends upon which are guaranteed under the Tramways (Ireland) Acts, 1860 to 1900 ; or (III.) in the stock, mortgages, bonds, debentures, or debenture stock issued or

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