The Gazette 1914-15
MAY, 1914]
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Siamese Government 4|-% Sterling Loan. Spanish Government 4% Sealed Bonds. Swedish Government 4|% Loan, 1913. Uruguay 3|% Consolidated Loan. Railways. United States of America. Atcheson, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway 4% Convertible Gold Bonds, 1955. Atcheson, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway 4% Adjustment Bonds. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad 1st Mortgage 50-year 4% Gold Bonds. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad 4-J% Convert ible Gold Bonds, 1933. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, South Western Division, 1st Mortgage 3^% Gold Bonds. Central Pacific Railway 1st Refunding Mort gage 4% Gold Bonds, 1949. Chesapeke and Ohio Railway 4|-% 20-year Convertible Gold Bonds. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway 4% 1934 Gold Bonds. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway 4% General Mortgage Gold Bonds, 1989. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway 4|-% General Mortgage Gold Bonds, 1989. Great Northern Railway (St. Paul, Minne apolis and Manitoba 4% Sterling Extension Bonds). Great Northern Railway (Minnesota) 4^% First and Refunding Gold Bonds (Series A), 1961. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Unified 4% Gold Bonds. Louisville and Nashville Railroad, Atlanta, Knoxville and Cincinnatti Division, 4% Bonds. Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Company 4% 25 years Gold Bonds of 1928. Long Island Railroad Company Guaranteed 4% Refunding Mortgage Bonds of 1949. Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste Marie Railway 4% 1st Mortgage Gold Bonds. New York Central and Hudson River Rail road 30-year 4% Gold Debentures, 1934. New York Central and Hudson River Rail road 3J-% Gold (Lake Shore) Bonds. New York Central and Hudson River Rail road, Michigan Central Collateral 3£% 1998 Gold Bonds. New York Central and Hudson River Rail road 4% Mortgage Bonds, 1998. New York, New Haven and Hartford Rail road 4% 1956 Debentures.
Norfolk and Western Railway 4% 1st Lien and General Mortgage 1944 Gold Bonds. Northern Pacific Great Northern Railways 4% Joint Bonds, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Collateral. Northern Pacific Railway 3% General Lien Railway and Land Grant Gold Bonds. Northern Pacific Railway 4% Prior Lien Railway and Land Grant Gold Bonds. Pennsylvania Railroad 4% Consolidated Mortgage Sterling Bonds, 1948. ' Southern Pacific Company 4% Central Pacific Collateral Gold Bonds. Southern Pacific Railroad 4% 1st Refunding Gold Bonds. Union Pacific Railroad 4% 1st Mortgage Gold Bonds. Union Pacific Railroad 4% 1st Lien and Refunding Mortgage Bonds. Railways. Mexico. Mexican Southern Railway 4% 1st Mortgage Debenture Stock. Debenture Stock. Argentine Great Western • Railway 4% 1st Debenture Stock. Argentine Great Western Railway 4% 2nd Irredeemable Debenture Stock. Bahia Blanca and North Western Railway 4-|% 2nd Debenture Stock. Bahia Blanca and North Western Railway 4% 1st Debenture Stock. Buenos Ayres and Pacific Railway 4£% Con solidated Debenture Stock. Buenos Ayres and Pacific Railway 4% 1st Debenture Stock. Buenos Ayres and Pacific Railway 4J% 2nd Debenture Stock. Buenos Ayres and Pacific Railway 5% (1912) Debenture Stock. Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway 4% Debenture Stock. Buenos Ayres Western Railway 4% Debenture Stock. Central Argentine Railway 3i% Central Debenture Stock. Central Argentine Railway 4% Consolidated Debenture 'Stock. Railways. Argentine Republic. Argentine Great Western Railway 5%
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