The Gazette 1912-13
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
[AUGUST, 1912
Laws of England. Encyclopaedia of the Laws of England. Third Annual Supplement. 8vo; London, 1912. Halsbury (The Rt. Hon. the Earl of] : The Laws of England : being a complete state ment of the whole Law of England. Vols. 19-21 ; 8vo ; London, 1911-12 Libel and Slander. Odgers (William Blaker) : Digest of the Law of Libel and Slander, and of Actions on the Case for words causing damage. 5th ed., by the Author, J. B. Eames and Walter B. Odgers. 8vo ; London, 1911. Medicine. Doiiand (W. A. N.) : Illustrated Medical Dictionary ... of the Terms used in medicine, surgery, dentistry, pharmacy, chemistry, nursing, veterinary science, biology, medical biography, etc. 6th ed. 8vo ; London, 1911. National Insurance. Carr (A. S. Comyns), W. H. S. Garnett, and J. H. Taylor : National Insurance ; with a Preface by the Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd George. 3rd ed. 8vo ; London, 1912. Clarke (Orme) : The National Insurance Act, 1911. Being a treatise on the scheme of national health insurance and insurance against unemployment created by that Act, with the incorporated enactments, full explanatory notes, tables, and examples ; with an Introduction by Sir John Simon. 8vo ; London, 1912. Smith (Thomas) : Everybody's Guide to the Insurance Act. 8vo ; London, 1912. Parish Registers. Parish Register Society of Dublin : Vol. ix. The Register of the Parish of S. Peter and S. Kevin, Dublin, 1669-1761. 8vo; Exeter, 1911. Partnership, Lindley (Rt. Hon.] : A Treatise on the Law of Partnership. 8th ed., by the Hon. W. B. Lindley, T. J. C. Tomlin. and A. A. Uthwatt. With an Appendix on the Law of Scotland, by J. Campbell Lorimer. 8vo ; London, 1912.
Scottish Law List and Legal Directory for 1912. 12mo ; London, 1912. Sell's Dictionary of the World's Press, 1911-12. 8vo ; London, [1912]. Stock Exchange Year Book for 1912.' 8vo ; London, 1912. Stubbs' Directory—-Manufacturers, Mer chant Shippers, and Professional. 4to ; London, 1912. Stubbs' Commercial Year Book for 1912. 8vo; London, 1912. Thorn's Official Directory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for 1912. 8vo ; Dublin, 1912. Whitaker's Almanac for 1912. 8vo; London, 1912. Discovery. Ross (Robert Ernest) : Law of Discovery. 8vo ; London, 1912. Equity. Brett (Thomas) : Leading Cases in Modern Equity. 5th ed., by J. A. Shearwood and W. G. Hart. 8vo ; London, 1911. Snell (Edmund H. T.) : Principles of Equity, intended for the use of Students and Practitioners. 16th ed. 8vo ; London, 1912. Evidence. Wills (William) : An Essay on the Principles of Circumstantial Evidence. Edited by his son, the Rt. Hon. Sir Alfred Wills. 6th ed. 8vo ; London, 1912. Grand Jury. Huband (William G.) : Supplement to A Practical Treatise on the Law relating to the Grand Jury in Criminal Cases, the Coroners' Jury, and the Petty Jury in Ireland. 8vo ; London, 1911. Insurance. Welford (A. W. Baker) and W. W. Otter- Barry : Law relating to Fire Insurance. 8vo ; London, 1911. See NATIONAL INSURANCE. International Law. Westlake (John) : Private International Law. 5th ed. 8vo ; London, 1912.
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