The Gazette 1912-13
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
AUGUST, 1912]
Boundaries, Walls and Fences. Hunt (Arthur Joseph) : Law of Boundaries Walls and Fences. 6th ed., by R. G. N. Combe. 8vo ; London, 1912. Calendar of State Papers. Calendar of the State Papers relating to Ireland, 1601-3 (with Addenda, 1565- 1654), and of the Hanmer Papers preserved in the Public Records Office. Edited by R. P. Mahaffy. 8vo ; London, 1912. Copyright. Oldfield (L. C. T.) : Law of Copyright. 8vo ; London, 1912. Robertson (George Stuart) : Law of Copy right. 8vo ; Oxford, 1912. County Courts. Fitzgibbon (H. Macaulay) : The Practice and Procedure of the Irish County Courts, Quarter Sessions Courts, and Local Bank ruptcy Courts, and Courts of Assize, 1890- 1910. 12mo ; Dublin, 1910. Criminal Injuries. Daly (George J.) : The Law relating to the Liability of Public Bodies in Ireland arising out of their duties as Road Authorities, and in respect of Compensa tion Claims for Criminal Injuries. 8vo ; Dublin, 1912. Digests. Mews' Digest of English Case Law, Annual Supplement, 1911. 8vo ; London, 1912. Directories, etc. Army List (Monthly). 8vo ; London, 1912. Dublin University Calendar for Year 1911- 1912. 2 Vols. ; 8vo ; Dublin, 1912. —— Dublin Examination Questions. 8voT Dublin, 1912. Hazell's Annual for 1912. 8vo ; London, 1912. London Directory, Post Office, 1912. 4to ; London, 1912. National University of Ireland. Calendar for Year 1911. 8vo ; Dublin, 1911. Navy List (Quarterly)- 8vo ; London, 1912. New South Wales Law Almanac for 1912. 12mo ; Sydney, 1912.
It may happen that some Solicitor may be called upon to render services under the Finance Act before these regulations are finally approved, and I am authorised by the Land Judge to state that in such cases he will take care that adequate remuneration shall be allowed to the Solicitors concerned. The proposed regulations also provide that the Receivers shall afford to the Solicitors all information and assistance in their power to enable the Solicitors to perform the duties prescribed, and for remuneration to the Receivers for so doing. I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant, (Signed), J. M. KENNEDY. W. G. Wakely, Esq., Registrar. Secretary, Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, Four Courts, Dublin. County Courts (Ireland) Bill. A LETTER has been received from the Lord Chancellor sending, for the information of the Council, a copy of the Report of the County Court Judges as to the changes and amendments in the jurisdiction, procedure, and practice in the County Courts in Ireland which they deem desirable, and also their suggestions as to amendments and alterations that should, in their opinion, be made in the County Courts (Ireland) Bill, 1911, in so far as the provisions of that Bill extended. The Report will be considered by the County Courts Committee of the Council at a Special Meeting of the Committee on the 8th August. Additions to the Library. THE following Books have been added to the Library from December, 1911, to July, 1912, inclusive :— Agriculture, Department of Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland : Eleventh Annual Report of the Department, 1910-11. 8vo $p-ublin, 1912.
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