The Gazette 1912-13
The Gazette of fhe Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
[J ULY. 1912
prevailing before the Chief Clerks of the Master of the Rolls and of Mr. Justice Barton.
County Courts Bill. The following letter was read :— Irish Office,
June 26/A. Special Examiners.
Old Queen St., S.W.,
21s^ June, 1912.
DEAR SIR, Mr. Birrell desires me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 20th instant in reference to the report of the County Court Judges upon the County Courts (Ireland) Bill, and in reply to say that the report in question has not yet reached him. As the report is made to the Lord Chancellor, it will be for him to consider whether he can furnish a copy to you or not. Yours faithfully, (Signed) T. P. LE, FANU. The Secretary, The Incorporated Law Society of Ireland. It was resolved to write to the Lord Chancellor asking for a copy of the report of the County Court Judges. National Insurance Commissioners. A letter, in reply, was read from the Secretary of the National Insurance Com missioners stating that copies of the rules made by the Commissioners from time to time would be furnished to the Society. Grant of Arms. The Patent from Ulster King of Arms granting the use of " Arms and Supporters " to the Society was submitted. Certificate. An application by a Solicitor for renewal of his annual certificate was submitted and granted. Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the following dates :— July 10th and 24th. October 2nd, 16th and 30th. '
The Council re-appointed Mr. Charles H. Denroche, B.A., LL.D., Solicitor, and Mr. Frank V. Gordon, B.A., ex-Scholar T.C.D., as Special Examiners for 1913. General Meeting. The following letter was read :— DUBLIN CASTLE, 18th June, 1912. SIR, With reference to your letter of the 25th ultimo, embodying a resolution passed at a General Meeting of your Society on the 16th ultimo, requesting the Government to take steps for the purpose of the repeal of enact ments which empower officials other than Solicitors to act on behalf of Government Departments or Public Bodies in the conduct of proceedings in Courts of Justice, I am directed by the Lord Lieutenant to state, for the information of your Society, that His Excellency finds that the power given by Statute to Public Bodies in Ireland to be represented in Court in certain minor matters by an Official instead of by a Solicitor is also a power which exists in the case of Public Bodies in England. His Excellency, while recognizing that the interests of the Solicitors' profession should in every legitimate manner be safeguarded, is not of opinion that amending legislation of the nature suggested in the resolution is practicable or could be undertaken by Government. I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant, (Signed) J. B. DOUGHERTY. The Secretary, The Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, Four Courts, Dublin.
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