The Gazette 1912-13
July, 1912.
Vol. VI, No. 3.]
Meetings of the Council.
Section 18 was submitted, and it was resolved that same be not opposed.
June 5th. The Right Hon. R. E. Meredith.
THE following resolution was passed, and it was ordered that a copy be sent to the Right Hon. R. E. Meredith :— Resolved :—The Council of the Incor porated Law Society of Ireland desire to record their deep regret at the retirement from the Bench of the Right Hon. Richard E. Meredith, late Master of the Rolls, and to express their admiration of the impartiality, dignity and learning with which he administered justice, and their appreciation of the unvarying courtesy extended by him to the members of the Solicitors' Profession. Professor of Equity, Real Property Law, and Conveyancing. The Council elected Mr. Henry Pelham Mayne, B.A., T.C.D., Solicitor, to be Professor of Equity, Real Property, Law and Con veyancing, in room of Mr. T. G. Ouirke, B.A., R.U.I., Solicitor, whose term of office is about to expire. Land Commission. It was resolved to draw attention to the insufficiency of the staff in the Record Department of the Land Commission, and also to suggest greater expedition in the sending out of Certificates of tithe rents, quit rents, and Board of Works charges. Preliminary Examination. A memorial from a Law Clerk seeking a modified. Preliminary examination under
June I2lh. The Right Hon. R. E. Meredith.
A letter, in reply, was read from the Right Hon. R. E. Meredith, thanking the Council for their resolution passed on his retirement from the office of Master of the Rolls. Mr. Henry F. Berry, I.S.O. A letter having been written to Mr. Henry F. Berry, late Assistant Deputy Keeper of the Records, expressing to him the good wishes of the Council on his retirement, and the appreciation of the Council of his un varying courtesy to the profession, a reply was read from Mr. Berry thanking the Council. Half-Yearly Meeting of the Society. A letter was read from the Under Secretary for Ireland acknowledging the receipt of the resolution passed at the Half-Yearly GeneraJ Meeting of the Society held in May. Examinations. The Report of the Court of Examiners, giving the results of the May Preliminary and Final Examinations, was submitted and adopted. The results appear in this GAZETTE. Chancery Practice. It was resolved that it be referred to the Court and Officers' Committee to prepare a report showing the differences in the practices
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