The Gazette 1908-9


The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.

AUG., 1908]

Notary Public. THE Lord Chancellor has made the following appointment as Notary Public :— Patrick J. O'Brien, Solicitor, Galway.

Results of Society's Examinations. AT the Intermediate Examination for Appren tices to Solicitors, held upon the 3rd day of July, the following passed the examination:—

Boxwell, William S. S. Boyle, Charles B. W. Buggy, John VV. Campbell, Andrew. Clarke, David L. Collins, Francis S. Cromie, William A. Davis, Albert E. Doyle, John T. Dundon, John J. Fairy, John V. Furlong, Peter C. Hastings, John L. R. Hayes, Thomas H. Hudson, Richard H. Hunter, Robert. Kennedy, George C. L. Lardner, Matthew G. R. Meagher, William (jun.). Molloy, John. Monks, Thomas F. (jun.). Murray, Peter. M'Carthy, Thomas P. M'Grath', Daniel J. M'Guckin, Vincent. Neilan, Patrick J. O'Connell, Jeremiah ]. O'Hanlon, Henry A. B. Proctor, Edwin V.' Ross, Sharman C. Siinms, Alfred G. F.

New Solicitors.

ADMISSIONS Name. Blackburne, Victor M. Campbell, Patrick, Davis, Herbert, Healy, Enda Byrne, Webb, Samuel Cecil,


Served apprenticeship to

. Henry Blackburne, Belfast. . T. J. S. Harbison, Cooks- town . . George J. Hoey, Tulla- more. . Tlios. G. Quirlce, Dublin. . Henry MacDermot and Dermot MacDermot, Boyle.


Obituary. MK. Edward D'Alton, Solicitor, died on the 6th July, 1908, at his residence, i, Brighton Terrace, Monkstown, Co. Dublin. Mr. D'Alton, who served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. John Ferguson, of 6, Lr. Gloucester Street, Dublin, and Rathkeale, Co. Limerick, was admitted in Hiliary Term, 1852, and practised, formerly in partnership with the late Mr. Wm. D'Alton, at 11, Stephen's Green, Dublin, under the style of D'Alton and D'Alton, and latterly at the same address in partnership with Mr. Edward Condell, under the style of D'Alton and Co. Mr. D'Alton was a member of the Council of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland from 1886 to 1893, and filled the office of Vice-President of the Society in 1891-2. Mr. Robert B. M'Ninch, Solicitor, died on the gth July, 1908, at his residence, Dunluce Street, Larne. Mr. M'Ninch, who served his apprenticeship with his uncle, Mr. J. W. M'Ninch, of Larne, was admitted in Michael mas Sittings, 1893, and practised in Lame. Labourers (Ireland) Act, 1906. IN theKing's Bench Division, upon the 3othjuly, before Mr. Justice Boyd, an application was made in the matter of The King (Lady Mowbrqy and Slow-ton^ and Others] v. The Local Govern ment Board. Mr. Matheson, K.C., with whom was Mr. Roche (instructed by Messrs. Roche and Sons),

Skeffington, John. Sweeney, Daniel. Twomey, David A^ Wallace, John E. Forty-four candidates attended the examina tion ; thirty-five passed; nine were postponed.

Commissioners to administer Oaths. THE Lord Chancellor has appointed the fol lowing additional Commissioners to administer oaths :—

John F. Culhane, Solicitor, Dublin. William Dillon. Solicitor, Dublin. Edwin Lloyd, Solicitor, Dublin. Patrick J. O'Brien, Solicitor, Gal way. Charles W. Russell, Solicitor, Dublin.

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