The Gazette 1908-9

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.

[AUG., 1908


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made by the President at the instance of the Council in reference to the furnishing of title of owners to plots acquired under the Act; and the terms in which it was thought desirable that the President should reply to this letter were agreed upon. The Council then adjourned. The Council met upon Wednesday, the agth July, the President (Mr. G. H. Lyster) in the Chair, and seventeen other members present. The Late Mr. D'Alton. A letter was read from Miss D'Alton, express ing upon behalf of the relatives of the late Mr. Edward D'Alton their thanks for the resolution of sympathy passed by the Council. Irish University Bill. :'. A resolution was passed conveying to Sir George Roche the gratification of the Council upon his appointment as a member of the senate of the new University to be established in Dublin ; and Sir George Roche expressed his thanks to the Counil for the terms of the resolution. Trusts BiU, 1908. A special Committee of the Council was appointed to consider this Bill, which purports to be a codification of the law relating to private trusts and trustees. Certificates. An application by a solicitor who was ad mitted in 1904 for liberty to take out his first certificate, having been since his admission a non-practising assistant, was granted. Preliminary Examination. Memorials of two law clerks to the Lord Chancellor and Judges named in section 18 of the Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1898, for modified preliminary examinations were considered, and it was decided to report in favour of both ap plications being granted. Society's Premises. An estimate for repainting the lecture theatre of the Society was accepted. The Council adjourned until the yth October. Council Meetings. Meetings of the Council will be held upon the following dates :— October yth and 2ist. November 4th and i8th.

purposes of the Irish Land Acts. Certificates.

An application by a solicitor for liberty to take out his annual certificate, he having been an assistant for some years, and never having practised on his own account, was submitted ; and an order was made granting the appli cation. The Council adjourned. The Council met upon Wednesday, the i jth June, the President (Mr. G. H. Lyster) in the Chair, and twenty-two other members present. The Late Mr. Edward D'Alton. A resolution expressing the regret of the Council upon the death of Mr. Edward D'Alton, and conveying to his relatives the sympathy of A letter was read in reply from the Chief Secretary, stating that he had adopted in the Irish Universities Bill the suggestions of the Council relative to the clause in the Bill which amends the Solicitors Acts. Attendance at Lectures. Applications from two apprentices who had not attended the requisite number of senior lectures during Easter and Trinity Sittings owing to pressure of business in the offices of their respective masters, and who asked for credit for the lectures not attended, were ruled upon. In both cases the apprentices were required to attend Michaelmas Sittings, 1908, senior lectures, before they could obtain the certificate of the Professor for attendance at the year's senior lectures for 1907-08. Court of Examiners. The report of the Court of Examiners upon the July Intermediate Examination was sub mitted and adopted. A further report from the Court of Examiners upon the application of a law clerk for leave to be bound under sect. 1 6 of the Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1898, which report recommended that the application be granted, was adopted, and the application granted. Labourers (Ireland) Act. A letter was read from the Local Government Board to the President in reply, stating that the Board would not adopt certain suggestions the Council, was passed. Irish Universities Bill.

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