Debating Society_Minute book_1938-45
The closing meeting of the 54th Session of the Society was held on Monday, 30th May 1938, in the Solicitors' Buildings, Pour Courts, Dublin. The Auditor, Mr. P. I. Gib son, presided. The Minutes of the previous Meeting were read and signed with– out alteration. The Auditor read his report on the affairs of the Society during the Session. Mr. Maher proposed and Mr. Kelly seconded "that the Auditors' Report be adopted". The Report was, after some minor criti– cisms, declared carried. The Balance Sheet and a Supplementary Balance Sheet were read by the Hon. Treasurer. Mr. Lynch proposed' and Mr. Hussey seconded, "that the Balance Sheet be adopted". This Motion was carried by 14 votes to 5. Mr. Sheedy proposed that the House go into committee "to consider the Balance Sheet". This was postponed till later. The Auditor declared the awards of prizes for the Session 1937- 38 to be as followS;-
Incorporated Law Society Gold Medal and Society's Certificate - - Mr. P.L. Gibson, B.A- Society's Silver Medal and Certificate - Mr. B.P. O'Byrne- Society's Special Certificate - - Mr. G. L. Collins
D3BAT3 ' President's Gold Medal and Society's Certificate Society' s Silver Medal and Certificate
Mr. B. P. O'Byrne
Mr. 0. S. Kelly Mr. Collins and Mr. Kelly received equal marks in the Competition for the Silver Medal in Legal Debate.
Mr. Kelly
finally winning on the toss of a coin.
Vice-President's Gold Medal and Society's Certificate - - Vice-President's Silver Medal and Society's Certificate - -
Mr. P.L. Gibson, B.A.
Mr. M.
J. O'Higgins
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