Debating Society_Minute book_1938-45
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1938 - 39
Mr. A- Forrest Eussey, B.A., L.I»3-
- Mr. B .
1- . O'Byrne
- Mr. B. J. lynch
Mr. P. J. ITutley
Mr. G. 1. dollins
_Mr. T.. G. Grotty,
Mi as 3 . MoMull en, 3 A .
Mr. P. I. Gib son, B.A. (ex-Auditor - ex-officio)
The closing meeting of the 54th Session of the Society was held on Monday, 30th May 1938, in the Solicitors' Buildings, Pour Courts, Dublin. The Auditor, Mr. P. I. Gib son, presided. The Minutes of the previous Meeting were read and signed with– out alteration. The Auditor read his report on the affairs of the Society during the Session. Mr. Maher proposed and Mr. Kelly seconded "that the Auditors' Report be adopted". The Report was, after some minor criti– cisms, declared carried. The Balance Sheet and a Supplementary Balance Sheet were read by the Hon. Treasurer. Mr. Lynch proposed' and Mr. Hussey seconded, "that the Balance Sheet be adopted". This Motion was carried by 14 votes to 5. Mr. Sheedy proposed that the House go into committee "to consider the Balance Sheet". This was postponed till later. The Auditor declared the awards of prizes for the Session 1937- 38 to be as followS;-
Incorporated Law Society Gold Medal and Society's Certificate - - Mr. P.L. Gibson, B.A- Society's Silver Medal and Certificate - Mr. B.P. O'Byrne- Society's Special Certificate - - Mr. G. L. Collins
D3BAT3 ' President's Gold Medal and Society's Certificate Society' s Silver Medal and Certificate
Mr. B. P. O'Byrne
Mr. 0. S. Kelly Mr. Collins and Mr. Kelly received equal marks in the Competition for the Silver Medal in Legal Debate.
Mr. Kelly
finally winning on the toss of a coin.
Vice-President's Gold Medal and Society's Certificate - - Vice-President's Silver Medal and Society's Certificate - -
Mr. P.L. Gibson, B.A.
Mr. M.
J. O'Higgins
Society's Silver Medal and Certificate
Miss M. Doorly''
Y3AR SPSBGHBS Socsisty' s Silver Medal and Certificate . -r -
Mr. B. P. O'Byrne
Incorporated Law Society' s Gold Medal and Society's Certificate -
Mr. B. P. O'Byrne
A list of those who had received aril' returned Ballot papers was read by the Hon. Corr. Sec. The result of the election of Officers and Committee for the Session 1938-39 was declared as f ollows:-
•• .. •• ••
•• .. . - ••
•• Mr. A-F.Hussey, B.A., L.L.B.,
. . Mr. B-P. O'Byrne • • Mr . B . J. Lynch .. Mr. p.J. Nutley
Mr. G. L. Collins'
Mr. T. G. Crotty jg->^. Miss 3. McMullen, B.A. Mr. 1-. L. Gib son B.A-, (Ex-Auditor - ex-officio)
The new Auditor & Committee then entered into office, Mr. Hussey, the incoming Auditor congratulated the outgoing Auditor £ Committee on a very successful year of office. Mr. Gib son (ex-Auditor) welcomed the new Auditor & Committee and wished them complete success- The House, with acclamation, endorsed these sentiments- Mr. V7allace proposed and Mr.Kelly seconded a motion of congratulation to Mr. Crotty on his being elected Auditor of the Law Society in U.C-D- This motion was passed unanimously. The House then went into Committee to consider the .Balance Sheet. Mr. Sheedy proposed, Fir. O'Figgins seconded "That last years Balance Sheet, being in two parts, shall be read as one consecu tive document, and shall include copy signatures of the Auditor & .. Scrutineers already appended thereto." After a long discussion the Motion was lost by 8 votes to 5. House then went out of Committee, & thjfcAuditor closed the «v meeting. ^Tl/l/^^ ———7
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s***at46*t£ ^Ct^t/ x^2t- ^o ^^^^cJ^ ^ A faJLbr * &u~v&» ^^i' ^ S ^fei/. ^^ //fe &+Ml t-4sn-~-r£> i - / * IT " >Z?77 ^-z^ "/ ' TV " ,£^77' 7 -^ jCr-r-rr-^, XT ^7°^ ^ /* b /'"Tyf^ *-y&s£> ATO ^zn^o^f^ iji iic^ 0T»-)f -n-or& ^ayyea^ -rw? ^/ V ' I/ ' JU- t " -^y fr** •ff <*? ' n^L, / • —w-yr / 9pf ^°^ -f^-t-p. ^wy-r>7 r~**>j ffy/ 9-*~*iO* &™-ja **jrfr£ JG^-~-rtKr-rrr fc^eV<^/w*JVA_v ->-w~»_ Q I JL J ? . w-»—»^» SOLICITORS' APPRENTICE DEBATING SOCIETY OF IRELAND SESSION 3L938 - 39. OFFICERS :- AUDITOR - - - - Mr. M. J. Egsn B.A. - Mr. P. J. fiutley - 1Ir • L • ^ • Bo^d HON. TEEAEUEE ' 1*. L. M. 'Lev: ling- COMMITTEE :- ' ... .-SBES- - -. • • ;'V^" Miss L. Pagan B.A. •''- i,r Miss A. Hyland B.A. Mr. T. Reilly Mr. A Forroat Huaaey B.A. LL.b. (Ex AvidAtor - Ex Officio SOLICITORS' APPRENTICES' DEBATING SOCIETY. The closing Meeting of the 55th Session of the Society was held on the 5th May,1939 in the Solicitors' Buildings,Pour Courts, Dublin. Mr. A.Forrest Hussey,LL.B. presided. The Minutes of the previous Meeting were read and signed without alteration. The Auditor read his report on the affairs of the Society during the Session. Mr.B.J.Lynch proposed and Mr. Nutley seconded that "the Auditors report be adopted". The report,after some minor criticism was declared carried. The Balance Sheet was read by the Hon f Treasurer,Mr.P.J.Nutley. Mr.Kelly proposed and Mr.Lynch seconded "that the balance sheet be adopted". The Motion was carried without opposition. The Auditor then declared the awards of prizes for the Session 1938-'39 to be as follows:- ORATORY ; Society Silver Medal and Certificate. ................... Mr.P.J.Nutley. Legal Deoate : Society's Silver Medal...................Mr.A.Porrest Hussfey. Impromptu Debate; Society's Silver Medal ..................Mr.A.Porrest Hussey. Special Certificate ..................Mr.M.J.O'Higgins. Irish Debate; Society's Silver Medal ..................Miss s. Doorly. and Certificate. First Year Speeches. Society'3 Silver Medal and Certificate ................. Mr. P. P. 0« Sullivan. ' "" A List of those who had received and returned Ballot papers was read The result of the election of Officers and Committee , by Hon.Corr.Sec. for the Session 1939-40. was declared as follows. " ................................... Mr. M.J.Egan,B. A. Auditor Hon. Record Sec. ................................... Mr.P.J.Nutley. Hon.Corr.Sec. ................................... Mr.L.D.Boyd. Hon. Treasurer ................................... Mr .D.M. Bowling. - Commit tee";- i Miss L. Pagan,B. A. JUi Miss A.Hyland,B.A. Mr.T.O'Reilly. . Mr.A.Porrest Hussey,B.A.,LL.B. (Ex Auditor Ex Officio). The new Auditor and Committee then entered into office. Mr.Egan, the in- coming Auditor congratulated the out -going Auditor and Committee on a very successful year of office. Mr.Hussey(Ex Auditor) welcomed the new Auditor and Committee and wished them complete success. Mr.Higgins proposed and Mr. Grotty seconded the following Motion "That it is the considered opinion of this Society that for / the benifit of Apprentices who sincerely desire to obtain a satisfact- ory knowledge of Law and Practice during their term of service, the legal Practitioners' Qualification (Ireland) Act 1939 should be repeal- j ed . An amendment to this motion was proposed by Miss Betty Kelly j which read "that; the standard of the preliminary Irish examination be raised and that the second Irish examination be eliminated, except for those who afterwards wished to practise within the Gaeltacth to whom a Special certificate be awarded". After a long discussion the i motion was carried by 12 votes to 2. in accordance with Rule 71 of the Rules and Seeding Orde/Sj of the Society the Meeting terminated at eleven o'cloj /*«. /ed tilth -ft ,W trf n /'/- iUi4d*Y m ^ 4M- /' , / H 4u Mftfn 7 *j k* JO«**Y L/xfivd. A A -f^eS y^i •fa&tt *&r **&££• ***"t (fa •* d •!,+•*• M • ' * a- ti/ • "9-1 /uf&* i^Ltkfn A&*. Q ft* \vU4&? 0P. (U*L ZuMJUtWL *i*rt- fetHJ ^> **#*£<. /?/$$& thntuJ: V foi ' * , , , if Jy^totvrf ^/^4- j /^/^W-^^TT/" -KAA-4 *•' * / A/7 '- ttysyUd, ^ifuM, ^ckfaMwtf J**J*£A&1 / * . , SI f\ A '^WA^ uktitl (j ^w z '^oMf /iMeirtJiL'A. id. ff. n A n. ft tkd- $os ^£~ iUnlfa *t /& /] >iht , if- /jviw.u4> fat ML Zi«f/&-ircafy J^AjJi M#4 A i I *i f1 i \n ^ J& J& fa<%dr~£iq&te Oe&A / fl &Hs sfcU t£~ JjLi*u$M~ '• Ml /C
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isl4sL&j2f i wvwo :3>u ^ - ~f Juc^unaA Vfl I- H C»-»'v_p'xo\-Aju<—*- n (i Jj Q| fl^ <\>f A 5pA? • Vvo^vAA. y o^v-ex»^^<-JcJc__ M£ ' /v j 1 \A /° Y\ ^9 I \ 1$^> ts^AL*——^ \±L*Jlx^*JC*-^_ (3 K^-\xl—C V V-iZ^-cZjUv f \ \Ji |A/v-^>K_9 /)M L-t —— f] ~r- ' i\ wW**.** 7^ y &sne*cix o °v -t/l**z> ^- t?f A /yJ-j OIXO-OA-*——OH3Z>"t Q cTVa'—-^ a ^^x^ir^ fa^, S^^\ 4^^^.-<^ie^(^^ ^vGv^_ J ^wo ti<*>\£ ^U>ixyv>^A^ W Z. &U^ Jst, (h^ -&*£ «,' ~ xA-N ^ rfj\.J\j*-a-JLJ?4. ' _- Sl*^*i**&£ftf SOLICITORS' APPRENTICES' DEBATING SOCIETY OF IRELAND SESSION 1940-41, OFFICERS ;- HON. AUDITOR - - - - - Mr. Daminie M. Dowllng HON. RECORD SECRETARY - - Mr. Rary 0'Connor - - Mr. Louis V. Nolan HON. CORR. SECRETARY HON. TREASURER - - - - Mr. William J. Walsh COMMITTEE :- Miss Ada Hyland, B. A; Mr. Liam D. Boyel Mr. Brendan P. O'Byrne, B. A. Mr. Mickael J. Egan, B. A. (Ex Auditor - Ex Offlei®) SOLICITORS' APPRENTICES' DEBATING SOCIETY. The closing Meeting of the 56th. Session of the Society _was held on the 14th. May 1940 in the Solicitors' Buildings, Pour Courts, Dublin. The Auditor Mr. Michael J. Egan, B.A. presided. The Minutes of the previous Meeting were read and signed without alteration. The Balance Sheet was read by the treasurer, Mr* Bowling. It showed that nearly £350- &ad passed through his hands during the Session, and also that all debts swing by and to tke Society had been cleared off. After some minor criticisms, the Balance Sheet was carried unanimously. Ballot papers was read by the Correspondence Secretary. The result of the election of Officers and Committee for the Session 1940-41 was then declared as follows:- Hon, Auditor ....................... Mr. Dominic M. Dowling. . * Hon. Record Secretary ........... '. ........... Mr. Rory 0' Connor. Hon. Corr. Secretary ....................... Mr. Louis V. Nolan. Hon. Treasurer ....................... Mr. William J. Walsh. Committee:- Miss Ada Hyland, B.A. Mr. Liam D. Boyd. » Mr. Brendan P. a'Byrne, B.A. Mr. Michael J. Egan, B.A.(Ex-Auditor, ex-officla) The Auditor then read his Report which was adopted. A list of those Members who had received and returned The new Auditor and Committee then entered into office. Tke Auditor declared the awards of prizes for the Session v 1939-40 to be as follows:- ORATQRY : r~~ - - - "- - . » Incorporated Law .Saciftty's Gold Medal and Society's Certificate ...............Mr. M. J. Egan, ...............Mr. D.M.Dowling, Society 1 s Silver Medal ...............Mr. L.D. Boyd, Special Certificate LEGAL DEBATE : ...............Mr. D.M. Dowling, President's Gold Medal ...............Mr.P.P.0'Sullivan, Society's Silver Medal : Vice-Presielent'e Gold Medal IMPROMPTU .>.-..............Mr. Mi"J. Egan, Vice-president's Silver Medal ................Mr. B.P. O'Byrne, IRISH DEBATE : ...... '........ .Mr. M. J. Bgan, Society 1 s Gold. Medal ................Mr. E.W. Healy, Society's Silver Medal FIRST YEAR SPEECHES : ................Mr. S.A. Murtagh, Society's Silver Medal \ Mr. O'Byrne proposed and Mr. 0'Sullivan seconded a vote of thanks to the outgoing Auditor and his Committee. Messrs. Walsh, Lynch, Kelly, Grotty, and the new Auditor, Mr. Dowling, associated themselves with the vote of thanks. The Motion was carried with acclamation. Mr. Lynch preposei and Mr. Crotty seconded the following Motion :- "That this House agrees with the statement of the President ©f the Incorporated Law Society that Irish is the cause of the low standard of answering in the Final Examination in Law for Solicitors Apprentices". Mr. Lynch proposing the Motion said that after the Ihter- -mediate an Apprentice gives one year of his course to Irish, the result being that he forgets any law he has learned for the Intermediate, and has to start from the beginning again. He also pointed out that no Scholarships had been awarded for some considerable time. Mr. Crotty secpnding said that the standard of answering in the Final had deteriorated since the passing of the Act. He also pointed out that Irish was of no practical use as there were no Law books in Irish. The following also spoke : Messrs. Durnin, McC^oskey and O'Byrne FOR the Motion, and Messrs. McGettigan, Egan, Kelly and Doyle AGAINST. The Motion was carried by 20 votes to 10 votes. The House then adjourned. SIGNED President Incorpbrated Law^ociety of Ireland. DATED this 28th. day of October 194©- TnCLLuOujUfJ: ejAt d SL <&t4 /$ferj#y f? Wt ' /- <^~) b / O \ 40 \Q&U4} *S&t-ic&<2 tt '92fevX/ $> £ tjfe, <2& AVVlTdRlfiL (£& au frfa. fitr&tAd^Xj jfci CajQ&et y( &~ rfted ^ef SiaufujCaLjf ^ 6/OA." t 071 'A&fZ jfi ?ilu) &b#i/^ ^ / t tintfa fad * 5^7 d? &&&J& /n a*vxS au *UfA/5 ??^^ mtffiMo vn# *?> oil j*y *)**¥"?-$[ pn**v*3'\ y^yy^ pp™**? f&**ra&fy £/;pyM?Ttfi rvn ~yfy t *#pp»p Jf> f»^r *rsTT sspTrr-ptrr inrm ®a**mi 4^sr^ v^ -., , ffi^1^/7*^ ^rfs^y^^&^fr jt^nj lob ~tta*jbj Iftu) fl&veeK ffatnteAs. c0>iclfct a+uJ Sfa*vru+ ^dfrwrzS ^ J /tir neriiMd K~, / <^C4^e^f^r/ y,j*e*t*i6a* , f.7-~0u*»f*n y ^.fya^ft', W&JXS, & •+£*? Ga*/0u/c**Jta( t £rAA_ ScxaufctJ" AfoA *jtu *u>/~J<*c^l!aout& A-. / KX. ItOS*. t€*t44m*-* 'ly /TOC4. ^f^UUJff* 70uu^a i+ejui dsLcfctAxal dkJjuf^ , & £y*~^, ^I>u**u^ f pofa**, — XI » _X1 ^- QUESTION J&LCi+daJ jL^ aUCjL Jr 3>x_ Jr. C. %&ifln't& cuJi^ A~~*J{ ^«^4? 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