The Gazette 1996
MARCH 1996
IBA Crime Seminar comes to Dublin
The Editor Law Society Gazette Blackhall Place Dublin 7
Professor J Ross Harper, US Attorney General Janet Reno, and Hong Kong's Director of Public Prosecutions Peter Nguyen QC. London criminal lawyer John Clitheroe, Vice-Chairman of the IBA's Criminal Law Committee, said the three-day event would appeal to both prosecutors and defence lawyers. crime throughout the world is a growing problem, " said Mr Clitheroe. "All lawyers who are involved in investigating and prosecuting it - and those who have to defend against allegations of it - need to get together to sort out what direction international crime is heading in, what the threat is, and how it should be dealt with. " For f u r t h er information and registration details contact the International Bar Association's Conferences and Seminars Depa r tment on 0044 (171) 629 1206. • "The spread of international
ORGANISED crime, syndicates, smuggling and financial crimes are among the topics to be discussed at the International Bar Association's upcoming seminar Borderless Crimes and Criminal Organisations. The seminar, the third in a series on The Alleged Transnational Criminal, will be held at The Westbury Hotel in Dublin from 24-27 May. The event follows on from earlier seminars in Munich and Madrid and focuses on the role df prosecutors and defence lawyers in combating organised crime. The President of Ireland, Mrs Mary Robinson will provide a welcome address at a cocktail reception on Day Two of the event, while the Minister for Justice, Mrs Nora Owen, the Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr Eamonn M Barnes, the Chief Justice Mr Justice Liam Hamilton, and High Court Judge Mr. Justice Paul Carney will also speak.
Re: Law Society Review Working Gr oup
Dear Madam
I attended at the Special General Meeting of the Law Society on Thursday 7 March last. While I did not contribute to the debate I voted in favour of each and every one of the recommendations made by the Review Working Group. It is a substantial testament to the wisdom and balance of the Group that virtually all of the recommendations were passed without the slightest amendment. Notwithstanding a lot of hot air at the meeting I believe that it was a healthy exercise. Hopefully rapid progress can now be made towards implementing the various recommendations and hopefully this will bring an end to a lot of the "perceptions" which people may have about the internal workings of the Law Society. The Review Group have already been publicly complimented for the very diligent effort made on producing the report of 6 November 1995. I associate myself with those compliments. The Report sets a new cornerstone for progress and I have no doubt that all our colleagues will, at the end of the day, eome to recognise that this is the right direction to be taken by the Law Society.
Key addresses from foreign speakers will be provided by IBA President
County Registrars' Association Guidance on Issuing Civil Bills
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The County Registrar's Association, for the purpose of achieving uniformity of practice, has recommended that the following procedure be followed by practitioners in respect of the issue of Civil Bills or other originating documents under Order 10 of the Rules of the Circuit Court, 1950 as amended by Rules 1(1), (2) and (3) of the Circuit Court Rules (No. 2) 1995.
Yours sincerely
John P. O'Malley Solicitor, 38 Percy Place, Dublin 4.
(iii) The stamped Civil Bill or other originating document will be retained in the Circuit Court Office and the sealed Civil Bill or other originating document, which is the original, will be returned to the person lodging same. •
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(i) One Civil Bill or other
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