The Gazette 1996
VOL. 90 NO.2
MARCH 1996
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Legislation Update
Viewpoint 53 The proposal by the Minister for Justice in the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Bill 1996 to give the Gardaf power to detain people for up to seven days without charge, is opposed by the Law Society.
Recent Acts and Statutory Instruments are listed.
People and Places
Joint Bank Accounts - A Judicial Reappraisal 70 Claire Mee writes on the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of L.vl/ch -v- Burke and Allied Irish Banks pic.
Dr. Elll1lOlIIl Hall's experience in the Queen's Bench Division, High Court of Justice, London, was something of a cultural shock.
Chairing Company Meetings - Powers and Duties Muiris 0 Ceidigh outlines the power and duties of a chairperson.
57-et seq Powers of Attorney Bill. 1995. p.57: Report of the Council Meeting held on 8 March. p.61; Event Diary. p.62; Annual Conference 1996. p.64; Compensation Fund Payments Out - March 1996, p.66; Lawyer Gets IT Degree. p.67; Capital Acquisitions Tax - New Forms/Guide and Seminars, p.67; ;6 Barristers Take Silk. p.67: The Copyright Association of Ireland. p.75; Many Happy Returns. p.76; IBA Crime Seminar Comes to Dublin; County Registrars' Association: Correspondence. p. 77.
Practice Notes Sale of Licensed Premises - Tax Clearance Certificates
Book Reviews The Law Reform Commission Report on Intoxication; Telecommunications Law and Practice; Tax Guide 1995/96; Tax Acts 1995/96; VAT Acts 1995/96; Capital Taxes Acts 1995196.
Marathon Meeting Votes, Votes, Votes for Change, Change, Change Ken Murphy reports on the Special General Meeting.
Professional Information
Notices concerning lost land certificates. lost wills, lost title deeds. miscellaneous and employment advertisements.
Bloomer - Supreme Court Judgment Extracts from the ex-tempore judgment of the Supreme Court together with comments.
Acii~~ - Edit~~ Ma;;-Kins~11a - ------ - --Advertising: Sean 6 hOistn. Telephone: 830 5236 Fax: 8307860. Editorial Board: Dr. Eamonn G. Hall (Chairman) Printing: Turners Printing Company Limited. Longford.
approval by the Law Society for the product or service advertised. Puhlished at Blackhall Place, Duhlin 7. Telephone 671 0711 Telex: J 1219 Fax: 671 0704. Front cover: Mrs. Marv Robinson, President oj Ireland. wit/~ Andrew F. Smyth, President (~f the Law Society. on the occasion (?f the Anllual Dinner (?f the Society held Oil R March. 1996.
John Buckley John Costello
The views expressed in this publication. save where otherwise indicated. are the views of contributors and not necessarily the views of the Council of the Law Society. The appearance of an advertisement in this publication does not necessarily indicate
Elma Lynch Ken Murphy Michael V. O'Mahony
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