The Gazette 1996
Irish Stenographers Ltd Director: Sheila Kavanagh Experts in Overnight Transcripts Specialists in Court Reporting Medical Cases / Arbitrations Conferences / Board Meetings Contact: Hillcrest House, Dargle Valley, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Telephone/Fax: (01) 286 2184 or 4b Arran Square, Dublin 7 Telephone: (01)873 2378
W h e n a client makes a will in favour of the Society, it would be appreciated if the bequest were stated in the following words' 7 give, devise and bequeath the sum o { pounds to the Irish Cancer Society Limited to be applied by it for any of its charitable objects, as it. at its absolute discretion, may decide " All monies received by the Society are expended within the Republic of Ireland. "Conquer Cancer Campaign" is a Registered Business Name and is used by the Society for some fund raising purposes. The "Cancer Research Ad v a n c eme nt Board" 4ยป CANCER ? SOCIETY 5 Northumberland Road. Dublin 4. Tel. (01) 668 1855. allocates all Research Grants on behalf of the I | P | $ | - | Society.
WASTE PAPER, FILES, DOCUMENTS, CONFIDENTIAL WASTE ETC. Uplifted from Offices and Commercial Premises SECURITY SHREDDING SERVICE For Confidential Waste,
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For Ordinary Waste Paper, Recycling Certificates Issued
The Irish Kidney Association was fanned in 1978 la: 1. Promote the general welfare of persons suffering kidney failure - financial and psychological. 2. To give adviee and guidanee to parents and relatives. 3. To arrange leetures. conferences and meetings pertaining to kidney disease. 4. To support research projects into the causes and effects of inherited disorders and kidney failure. 5. To print and distribute the Multi-Organ Donor Card and actively promote public awareness of organ failure. R E M E M B ER US WH EN MA K I NG A W I L L ! Cerliliecl hv the Revenue Commissioners ;is ;i charity: 6327 OUR / / Y W C / W. ASSISTANCE IS NATIONWIDE
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