The Gazette 1996
Boardroom Centre Laurence K. Shields.
Conseil des Barreaux de la Communaute Europeenne Geraldine Clarke. Union Internationale du Notariat Latin Arthur Moran. Past Presidents (entitled to sit on council pursuant to the society's bye laws:) W. Brendan Allen, Walter Beatty,
Dominic Dowling, Richard Liddy, Elma Lynch, Stephen P. Maher, Fachtna O 'Driscoll, Donal P. O'Hagan, Robert Potter-Cogan.
Anthony E. Collins, Laurence Cullen, Maurice R. Curran, Joseph L. Dundon, Gerald Hickey, Michael Houlihan, John Maher,
International Bar Association Maurice R. Curran.
Ernest J. Marget son, \ Raymond Monahan, \ P. Frank O 'Donnell, Michael V. O'Mahony, W. Osborne,
Council of Law Reporting Eamonn Hall, Terence McCrann, Michael Staines Director General. Rule Making Committee Land Act 1933 Section 3 The President Ex-OJficio.
International Chamber of Commerce Walter Beatty, Maurice R. Curran.
David R. Pigot, Peter Prentice, Thomas D. Shaw.
Donal G. Binchy, Bruce St. J. Blake, Adrian P. Bourke, John Carrigan,
Published Accounts Awards Committee Michael G. Irvine.
Annual Election 1995/1996
(d) The number of valid voting papers included in the count was 515 (e) The number of votes receives by each candidate, indicating the candidate who has been provisionally declared elected is set out below.
The following are the names of the candidates who have not been provisionally elected and the number of votes received by them appear after their names.
The following are the results of the Council election 1995/96.
No Elected
No of Votes
1,500 1,344 1,338 1,331 1,299 1,223 1,219 1,211 1,168 1,166 1,163 1,157 1,142 1,133 1,118 1,115 1,109 1,109 1,086 1,083 1,082 1,044 1,044 1,026 1,019 1,007 1,006
1. Andrew Dillon 2. Michael D. Peart 3. Moya Quinlan
965 931 677 649 544 470
31. James B. McCourt 32. Richard Bennett 33. Peter McDonnell 34. Fergus F. Appelbe
4. John Shaw
5. Patrick
6. Anthony H. Ensor 7. Geraldine M. Clarke 8. Donald P. Binchy 9. Elma Lynch 10. John Costello 11. Keenan Johnson 12. Niall G. Casey 13. Brian J. Sheridan 14. Laurence K. Shields 15. Michael G. Irvine 20. Gerard J. Doherty 21. James MacGuill 22. Owen M. Binchy 23. Michael Carroll 24. Gerard F. Griffin 25. Stephanie M. Coggans 27. Patrick A. Glynn 28. Paul E. Connellan 29. Francis D. Daly 30. Philip M. Joyce 26. Terence McCrann 16. Niall Farrell 17. Fionnuala 18. Ward McEllin 19. John G. Fish
Elected to the Province of Munster
35. Sean
36. Edward
No. of Votes
Eamon O'Brien
Provincial Election - Munster
Candidate who was not elected in this Province
The following is the Report of the Scrutineers of the Ballot held on November 17 1995 pursuant by Bye-Law 6(16)(g) of the Bye-Laws of the Law Society of Ireland: (a) The number of outer envelopes containing voting paper envelopes returned to the Society was 523
No. of Votes
Angela E. Condon
As there was only one candidate nominated for each of the Provinces of Leinster, Ulster and Connaught there was no election and the three candidates for these seats were returned unopposed as follows:
(b) The number of voting papers
rejected for failure to comply with Bye-Law 6(13)(b)(ii)(iii) and (iv) was 6
John B. Harte
Peter F.R. Murphy
(c) The number of voting papers rejected for failure to comply with Bye-Law 6(13)(b)(v) was 2
Connaught: John
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