The Gazette 1996
SADSI: see SADSI news Sligo Bar Association meeting, October 1996, 9: 378 ipia) Society of Young Solicitors (SYS): see Younger members' news ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE Legal assistants: advertising of appointments, 9: 357 (edl) BANKING Joint bank accounts: a judicial reappraisal' (Claire Mee), 2: 70-71; status enquiries sys- tem, 3: 119 (Itr) BAR COUNCIL Courts and Court Officers Bill : allegations of breach of trust by Law Society, 1: 7 (Pres) BAR COUNCIL (ENGLAND AND WALES) Chairman: Robert Owen QC, 8: 344; lay com- plaints commissioner, 7: 273 BOOK LAUNCHES Competition law and policy in Ireland (Oak Tree Press), 7: 303 Competition law source book (Round Hall Sweet and Maxwell), 3: 98 The Licensing Acts 1833-1995 (C Cassidy), 7: 303 Notes for Guidance on the Finance Act, 1996 (Revenue Commissioners), 7: 303 BOOK REVIEWS The canon law, letter and spirit: a practical guide to the code of canon law , Veritas Publications, 1995, rev by EG Hall, 7: 303 Capital acquisitions tax (B Bohan), Butterworths, rev by J Costello, 3: 115 Capital Taxes Acts, 1995/96 (Butterworths Ireland), rev by R Grogan, 2: 81 Company structures (D Wainman), Sweet & Maxwell, 1995, rev by M Moran, 4: 156 Concise guide to European patents: law & Practice (G Paterson), Sweet & Maxwell, 1995, rev by K Parkinson, 4: 156-157 Copinger and Skone James on copyright (1st SU PP to 13th ed) (Gamett et al) Sweet & Maxwell, 1994, rev by EG Hall, 1: 41-42 E quity and the law of trusts in Ireland (Hilary Delany), Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell, rev by JMG Sweeney, 5: 213-214 European patent materials and index (Edited by V, C and T Vossius), Sweet & Maxwell, rev by K Parkinson, 4: 157 The European patent system: the law and prac- BARRISTERS New senior counsel, 2: 67 BAR ASSOCIATIONS See Associations and societies
BRUSSELS CONVENTION 6: 249-251; jurisdictional rules, 6: 249; compa- nies, 6: 251; contract, 6: 49-250; exclusive jurisdiction, 6: 251; insurance and consumer contracts, 6: 251; tort, 6: 250-251; scope, 6: 249 CANON LAW The Canon law, letter and spirit, (Veritas Publications), rev, 3: 303
tice of the EPC (1st supp by G Paterson), Sweet & Maxwell, rev K Parkinson, 4: 157 Income Tax (N Judge), Butterworths, rev by J Costello, 3: 115-116 Inland waters (Donal O Laoghaire, Ed), Butterworths, rev by GV Maloney, 3: 114-115 Journal of valuation tribunal judgments (DM Killen and B Williams), vol 1. Sept 1988-June 1994, rev by T O'Connor, 6: 258 The Law Reform Commission report on intoxi- cation, rev by T Cahill, 2: 80 The Licensing Acts 1833 to 1995 (C Cassidy), Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell, 1996, rev by TD Shaw, 8: 346 Marketing for lawyers (2nd ed) (Matthew Moore), Law Society of England and Wales, rev by C MacDomhnaill, 6: 258 Milk quotas, European Community and United Kingdom law (M Cardwell), Oxford University Press, rev by TP Kennedy, 4: 157-158 Northern Ireland planning law (JA Dowling), Gill & Macmillan, rev by JFB, 3: 114 Privacy: sur\'eillance and the interception of communications. Law Reform Commission, 1996, rev by EG Hall, 9: 395 Property law (Paul Coughlan), Gill & Macmillan, rev by JMG Sweeney, 1:41 Rating law: the Uniform Business Rate (P Askham and D Mackmin), Sweet & Maxwell, 1995, 1: 42 Religion, morality and policy (Trinity College Schools of Law and of Bibilcal and Theolog- ical Studies), rev by J Costello, 4: 156 Report of the Constitution Review Group, Stationery Office Dublin, 1996, rev by EG Hall, 6: 257-258 Reviewing Maastricht: issues for the 1996 Inter- governmental Conference (A Dashwood, Ed), Sweet & Maxwell, rev EG Hall, 3: 113 Setting-up and managing a small practice (M Smith), 4: 159 Sexual harassment in the workplace: a practical guide for employers and employees (N Harvey, AF Twomey), Oak Tree Press, 3: 113 Tax Acts 1995/96 (Butterworths Ireland), rev by R Grogan. 2: 81 Tax guide 1995/96 (Butterworths Ireland), rev by R Grogan, 2: 81 Telecommunications law and practice (2nd ed by CD Long), Sweet & Maxwell, 1995, rev by EG Hall, 2: 80 Termination of employment statutes (commen- tary by A Kerr), Sweet & Maxwell, rev by EG Hall, 4: 158-159 Textbook on jurisprudence (2nd ed) (H McCoubrey and ND White), Blackstone Press, 1996, rev by EG Hall, 8: 346 A textbook on media law (Marie McGonagle), Gill and Macmillan, rev by E Murphy, 5: 213 VAT Acts 1995/96 (Butterworths Ireland), rev by R Grogan, 2: 81
London Bar Association Ball, 8: 334; Motor Neurone Disease Association: charity film pre- miere, 6: 255, 7: 271; Solicitors' Benevolent Association: AGM, 4: 143; concert (October 1996), 7: 286 (piety, 287 (pictf 294
CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE 'Civil actions for child sexual abuse: Statute of Limitations problems' (David Goldberg), 1: 27-30 CIRCUIT COURT New judicial appointments, 5: 184-185 CIVIL BILLS Guidance on issuing civil bills (County Registrars' Association), 2: 77 COMPANIES REGISTRATION OFFICE Company formation fees, 7: 302 COMPANY AND COMMERCIAL LAW COMMITTEE Commercial law noticeboard. 7: 302; mem- bers, 1995-1996, I: 17 COMPANY LAW 'Chairing company meetings: powers and duties' (Muiris O Ceidigh), 2: 72-74; Company structures (D Wainman), rev, 4: 156 COMPENSATION FUND Payments out, 1995, 1: 33; 1996, 1: 33, 2: 66, 3: 98. 5: 176, 6: 251, 8: 344, 9: 362
COMPENSATION FUND COMMITTEE Members, 1995-1996, 1: 17
COMPETITION Competition (Amendment) Act, 1996, 7: 302; Competition law and policy in Ireland, 7: 303; 'Restraint of trade and competition law in Ireland' (Marguerite Bolger), 6: 245-247
MARCH 1998
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