The Gazette 1996


JULY 1996

6th Diploma in Property Tax - Mayo

have a two-year term of office, that the Senior Vice-President be automatically elected and that the number of directly elected Council members remain at 31. 8. Hendrick Place Development The Chairman of the Education Committee outlined the proposed development of a property at Hendrick Place, abutting on the Society's premises, as a new Law School within which to give effect to the Education Policy Do c ume nt approved by the Council in De c emb er 1995. He said it was the physical means of providing what was n ow agreed education policy both for pre-qualification stage and for greatly enhanced CLE in the future. The consent of the Premises Committee had been forthcoming and the project had been subjected to a rigorous examination by the Finance Committee. After a thorough debate, with many contributors on a range of different points, the Council approved the proposed development of the Hendrick Place property as a n ew Law School. 9. Setting up in Practice On a proposal from the Compensation Fund Committee it was agreed that the Society's interviews designed to provide guidance for solicitors setting up in practice should in future be conducted not be the Compensation Fund Committee but by the Professional Guidance Committee. 10. Annual Conference 1997 The Senior Vice-President, Mr. Frank Daly, sought and obtained the Council's approval for his proposal to hold the Annual Conference 1997 in Barcelona from 3 - 6 April, 1997. The likely cost would be in region of £ 4 0 0 per solicitor, plus the delegate registration fee. • PCS PETROCARGO MAHNE SURVEYORS UP. Capt. Thomas C. Nash M. INST. PET. Marine Consultancy; Independent Marine Surveyors; Vessel & Terminal Safety Inspection; Recruitment; Procedures Manuals. Cooleen House, Rushbrooke, Cobh, Co. Cork. Tel: 021-811677 Fax: 021-813009 Marine Expert Witness; Ship to Ship Transfer;

Pictured are solicitors attending the Diploma in Property Tax Course run by the Law Society at the Downhill Hotel, Ballina. Left to Right: Bronagh Heverin, Michelle Mulhern, Carmel Duggan, Denis Molloy, Peter Loftus, Mairead Bourke, Myles Gilvarry, Bernadette Greene, Maria Boyle, Michelle O'Boyle, Helen Moore, Brian Bohan (Lecturer), Marie Conroy, Paula Oliver (Lecturer), Tom Martyn, Regina Hopkins, Charlie Gilmartin, James Hanley, Una Gibbons, James Cahill, Lorraine Gannon, Carmel Jenkins, Dermot Neilan, Keenan Johnson, Leonie Hogge, Sandra Murphy, Eithne Sheridan, Charles Kelly, Mary Dowling, Eamonn Gallagher. Picture: T. Forde


The 6th D i p l oma in Property Tax Course started in Ma y o in February of this year. The lectures ran during the w e e k e nd from the start of February to the end of Ma y. A g o od deal of interest in the d i p l oma course had been e xp r e s s ed by solicitors in the area. The response to the course was e x c e l l e nt with a total of thirty nine solicitors (mainly from the Ma y o, S l i go and Ga l way regions) attending the lectures. The course requires a g o od deal of work and dedication and the solicitors from the We st proved to be e x emp l a ry

Ov er the last f i ve courses a total of one hundred and twenty f i ve solicitors have been awarded D i p l omas in Property Tax and w e hope that the ranks of ' D i p l oma t s' will be s we l l ed considerably wh en the results of the current course are declared. The next course is likely to run in Dublin from the start of 1997. Solicitors w h o wo u ld be interested in attending are invited to contact Finola O'Hanlon at the Law S o c i e ty for further details. •

Compensation Fund - Payments Out - June 1996



7 6 , 1 6 0 . 78

The f o l l ow i ng claim amounts were admitted by the Comp e n s a t i on Fund Comm i t t ee and approved for p a yme nt by the Council at its me e t i ng in June 1996.

2 Mary Street N e w Ro ss C o We x f o rd Jonathan P.T.

Brooks 17/18 Na s s au Street Dublin 2 John K Brennan Ma y f i e ld

3 8 7 , 8 2 7 . 50

4 , 5 3 0 . 00

3 3 , 9 6 7 . 32

Francis G Costello 51 Do n n y b r o ok Ro ad Do n n y b r o ok Dublin 4

Enniscorthy Co We x f o rd

5 0 2 , 4 8 5 . 60


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