The Gazette 1996
JUNE 1996
cases challenging this legislation. He looks at the cases of Mulder, Von Deetzen, Spagl, Pastatter and Pauh and the Regulations passed to remedy the partial invalidity of various Milk Quota Regulations exposed by these cases. Finally in the context of the legislation he looks at its deficiencies and recent reforms. The final three chapters of the book deal with the practical effects of the quotas - quota transfers, landlord and tenant issues and taxation. The chapter on quota transfers provides a very good overview of this crucial area both from the perspective of EU and UK law. The last two chapters analyse the impact of milk quotas on landlord and tenant law and taxation in the United Kingdom. The most appealing feature of this book is that it is much more than an academic treatment of the subject. The writer shows a thorough understanding of the dairy industry and the context within which milk quotas operate. This practical slant distinguishes this book from the overly academic approach taken in other EU law texts, whose
authors seem almost afraid to acknowledge that the cases or
"fragments of his fleece" that he or she will leave "upon the [intellectual] hedges of life". Mr Tony Kerr, MA (Dubl) LLM (Lond) of King's Inns, barrister, statutory lecturer in Law, University College, Dublin editor of the Journal of the Irish Society for Labour Law, a national reporter for the International Labour Law Reports, author of The Trade Union and Industrial Relation Acts of Ireland and Termination of Employment Statutes has already made a significant contribution to labour law. In his preface, the author refers to the complexity of the legislation governing termination of employment. Mary Laherty, chairperson of the Employment Appeals Tribunal writes that Mr Kerr has succeeded in providing the practitioner with a comprehensive overview of how the statutory provisions governing termin- ation of employment have been inter- preted by the Tribunal and the Courts. All current statutory provisions are set together with all textual amendments, adaptations and repeals. An analytical commentary provides guidance on the
doctrines which they write about have an effect on people's lives. In short "Milk Quotas" is an indispensable reference work for any practitioner involved in agricultural law.
T P Kennedy.
Termination of Employment Statutes
Comme n t a ry by An t h o ny Kerr, Published by Swe et & Ma xwe l l, xiv + 2 84 pp; 1995, pap e r ba c k, £35. At the end of the day, many hope that the daily toil will not disappear totally in the sand - in the face of the incoming tide. There are many sands on the beach; we live in a crowded profession. There is the possibility that some may make their mark. One can only admire the courage, tenacity and intellectual rigour of the scholar, who, in the words of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, generates
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