The Gazette 1996
JUNE 1996
In-House Solicitors - Newsbrief
This newsbrief is intended for In-house Solicitors (including Local Authority Solicitors, Solicitors in the Chief State Solicitors Office and other Government Departments).
important objective for the committee is to facilitate the establishment of an association for the sector. The committee hopes that the preliminary work will be done over the coming months, so that the association might be up and running in September. Your views on possible structures for the association and elections to the association council will be canvassed over the coming weeks and months. A draft constitution is being prepared and will be circulated shortly. However, any of the committee members, or Therese Clarke at the Law Society, (Phone 868 1220) will be delighted to hear your views. Another objective of the committee is to compile a directory of solicitors in the sector. A questionnaire will be circulated next month which, when returned, will give us the information for the directory. With your co- operation, this directory should prove very useful. The committee are very grateful to all of you who completed the questionnaire circulated at the information evening in October. ; For you, the three most important issues which the Law Society should address are: ! 1. Specialised CLE courses for corporate solicitors. J 2. Law Society recognition of, and j support for, the sector. | 3. Professional Indemnity Insurance matters. Oc t o b er '95 Me e t i ng
copies are sometimes available.
1. The In-House Lawyer, 28-33 Cato Street, London, WIH 5HS, England.
Co r p o r a te Comm i t t ee '95/'96
Tel. 0171 396 9 2 92 Fax. 0171 393 9 3 00
The committee reviewing the position of solicitors employed by corporate bodies was reappointed following elections to the Law Society Council, and the appointment of committees for the new Council year. The committee has had several meetings and continues to work on your behalf. Michael Carroll, Coras Iompair Eireann, Chairman. Caroline Bergin, Greencore Group Pic. Clare Connellan, I.C.C. Bank Pic. Edward C. Hughes, Dun Laoghaire- Rathdown County Council. Geraldine Hynes, Careers Adviser, Law Society of Ireland. Carmel Killeen, Local Authority Solicitor (Retired). Kevin Finucane, Coyle Hamilton Group Ltd. Elizabeth Mullan, Chief State Solicitors Office. David O'Donnell, Bank of Bermuda Group. Michael O'Malley, National Irish Bank. Richard Devereux, Intel Corporation U.K. Stephanie Coggans, Legal Aid Board. Niall Casey, John Casey & Co., Ex o f f i c io member as Chairman of Professional Guidance Committee. Therese Clarke, Solicitor, Law Society of Ireland, Secretary to Committee. The new committee now represents a broad spectrum of the solicitors in the sector. The committee members are:
2. European Counsel Direct, L & C Publishing Ltd.,
9 0 Battersea Business Centre, 103-109 Lavender Hill, London SW11 5QL, England.
Tel. 0171 738 2303 Fax. 0171 978 5 4 52 Email. 100607.3004
3. The Lawyer,
Centaur Communications Group, 50 Poland Street, London, WIV 4AX, England. Tel. (Circulation only 0171 4 39 4222) Fax. 0171 734 0 5 34 Email lawcirc @ centaur, co. uk. We hope that Newsbrief will be a regular feature in the Gazette so that we can provide continuing information on the various aspects of the committee's work.
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Useful Publications
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At the meeting, we promised to provide information on where subscriptions may be made for the following publications, all of which have particular relevance for the corporate solicitor. Complimentary
It has been agreed that the most
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