The Gazette 1996


JUNE 1996

New Objections and Requisitions on Title On 15 May 1996 the Chairman of the Law S o c i e ty Co n v e y a n c i ng Comm i t t ee wrote to every solicitors practice in the State to announ ce the c omp l e t i on of a c omp r e h e n s i ve revision of the S o c i e t y 's standard Ob j e c t i ons and Requisitions on Title. This new 1996 edition replaces the 1991 edition and incorporates many ame n dme n ts and additions required by c h a n g es in the law and in c o n v e y a n c i ng practice together with s ome other imp r o v eme n ts considered desirable by the Commi t t e e. An explanatory memo r a n d um s p e c i f y i ng the c h a n g es made in the n ew edition is available from the Law S o c i e ty with each purchase of the 1996 edition - price £ 4 0 . 00 plus V A T £ 8 . 4 0. Production of the 1991 edition has been discontinued. (Postage Orders

should be directed to Linda Dolan


carrying out this project wh i ch truly was a monumental task. The Comm i t t ee is also at an advanced stage with its revision of the S o c i e t y 's Co n v e y a n c i ng Handbook. Conveyancing Committee

the Law S o c i e t y)

The issuing of the n ew edition of the Objections and Requisitions on Title is a very significant event for all c o n v e y a n c i ng practitioners. The Co n v e y a n c i ng Comm i t t ee is c o n f i d e nt that the new edition will considerably assist practitioners in c o ndu c t i ng their c o n v e y a n c i ng work. The n ew edition is the product of very lengthy and detailed work by the Co n v e y a n c i ng Commi t t e e. Wh i le every memb er of the Comm i t t ee contributed to the revision, the main drafting and research work i n v o l v ed was undertaken by a special task force appointed by the Commi t t e e. This task force was ably led by Maeve Hayes and also c omp r i s ed Vivienne Bradley, Brendan McDonnell, Aine Lynch and John Gore-Grimes.


The profession has due c au se to be indebted to the memb e rs of the task force for their dedicated work in

Pictured at the launch of the new Requisitions on Title were the members of the Conveyancing Sub-Committee, l-r: Vivienne Bradley, Maeve Hayes, Brendan McDonnell, Áine Lynch and Colm Price, Chairman of the Conveyancing Committee. 142

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