The Gazette 1996
CASTLETOWN PRESS LM. Law Printing Specialists and Manufacturing Stationers
Registered ISO 9002
Computer Stationery and Supplies • Toner Cartridges General Printing • Office Furniture Company Seals • Design, Layout and Typesetting o LASER GUARANTEED PAPERS The Law Society is concerned about print quality on legal documents. If you buy your Judicature or Deed Paper from C A S T L E T OWN P RE SS you are guaranteed that the print quality will not deteriorate. All No Text Deed Paper and No Text Judicature has been printed on laser fully guaranteed paper. We also conform to the recommended standards for printing and storage of these papers. o With C A S T L E T OWN PRESS you can be assured of quality papers at all times. We also stock laser guaranteed Photocopying paper from 80 - lOOgsm 2 Free samples available on request o
Supplying and printing stationery to the legal profession for over twenty years How to order ..
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(01) 627 2345 • FreeFax: 1-800-618-618 This is the preferred way of ordering giving both you the customer and us the supplier a hard copy of your requirements. (Fax order f o rms supplied at no cost.) (01)627 1170 (8 lines) We have dedicated sales lines and will be pleased to help all we can in taking your order and giving any assistance you may require in identifying your needs. Simply post your order to: Castletown Press, Celbridge, Co. Kildare FREE DELIVERY NATIONWIDE phone
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