The Gazette 1996
Solicitor, 4 yrs p.q.e. in Dublin general practice - with sound experience in litigation, conveyancing, probate, com- mercial, court work - seeks change to South/South East. Reply to Box No. 33. Locum Solicitor available to do"part- time/full-time work or help out in solicitor's practice during busy periods. Tel: 096 - 49078. Assistant Solicitor required for County Monaghan practice. Ability in Conveyancing, Probate and General Practice. Reply to Box No. 22.
ENGLISH AGENTS: Agency work undertaken for Irish Solicitors in both litigation and non- contentious matters - including legal aid. Fearon & Co., Solicitors, Westminster House, 12 The Broadway, Woking, Surrey GU21 5AU.
20 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin 1. Tel: 8725077 Fax: 8725125
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Tel: 0044 - 1483 - 726272 Fax: 0044 - 1483 - 725807
Ist ( lass Service to the Legal
Doyle Court Reporters Principal: Áine O'Farrell Court, Conference, AGMs,
Business Meetings, Arbitrations. Verbatim Reporting - Daily Transcripts Personal Injury Judgements for Trinity & Michaelmas 1995 NowReady 2, Arran Quay, Dublin 7. Tel: 872 2833 or 286 2097 (After Hours) Fax: 872 4486 'Excettence in (Reporting since 1954
Practice Management
156 Pembroke Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. Tel: 01 -668 9788/9 Fax: 01 - 668 3820
Do You... . . . . have arrangements for the management of
The Irish Kidney Association was formed in 1978 to: 1. Promote the general welfare of persons suffering kidney failure - financial and psychological. 2. To give advice and guidance to parents and relatives. 3. To arrange lectures, conferences and meetings pertaining to kidney disease. 4. To support research projects into the causes and effects of inherited disorders and kidney failure. 5. To print and distribute the Multi-Organ Donor Card and actively promote public awareness of organ failure. R EMEMB ER US WHEN MAK I NG A WI L L ! Certified by the Revenue Commissioners as a charity: 6327 OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE IS NATIONWIDE
case-files to be reviewed periodically and is the review (except where there is only one fee earner in the practice) carried out by a fee earner who has not been involved in the day to day conduct of the matter. Law Society Practice Management Guidelines, Section B9.
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