The Gazette 1995
J.W. O'DONOVAN & COMPANY have a vacancy for a dynamic. personable Solicitor with min. 4 years p.q.c. to join strong commercial law practice.
Assistant Solicitor Required. 3/4 years experience in general practice. Sound prospects. Salary commensurate with experience. Applications to O'Gorman, Solicitors. 2/3 Glentworth Street. Limerick. Solicitor Required for County Donegal Practice. Solicitor with at least 2 years experience in Conveyancing. Litigation and Probate required for an established firm of County Donegal Solicitors. Reply with C.Y. to Box No: 92. Apprentice, just completed Professional Course. seeks change. Reply to Box No: 93. Apprenticeship, sought by LL.B (Hons) Graduate. 9 months office experience. Attending 40th Professional Course commencing November. All areas considered. Contact Box No. 94.
Apply in writing to 53, South Mall, Cork (REJ.': RSINS)
J. Retiring or closing your practice? The Law Society's Solicitor Link service can help you sell the practice or files.
2. Managing Portner required for medium sized firm in greater Dublin area.
Congratulations to Danella Brady (Tony, Taaffe & Co., Solicitors, Finglas) who was the winner of the free ski holiday to America competition which was held in the August/ September issue of the Gazette. Danella is pictured receiving her prize from Hugh Cooling of Michael Stein Travel, sponsors of the competition. .
Contact: Mr. Cillian MacDomhnaill, Solicitor Link, The Law Society, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7.
Irish Stenographers Ltd Director: Sheila Kavanagh Experts in Overnight Transcripts Specialists in Court Reporting Medical Cases I Arbitrations Conferences I Board Meetings Contact: Hillcrest House, Dargle Valley, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Telephone/Fax: (01) 286 2184 or 4b Arran Square, Dublin 7 Telephone: (01) 873 2378
First Irish Examination: wi II be held on Wednesday, 3 January 1996.
Second Irish Examination: will be held on Friday, 5 January 1996. Closing date for receipt of completed application forms for both Irish Examinations is - Wednesday 13 December 1995. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 1996 The Society's Preliminary Examination will be held on Thursday 14 and Friday 15 March 1996. Application forms for the above examinations may be obtained from the Law School. Tel. 01 - 671 0200.
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