The Gazette 1995



I f i s h

ISSN 1393 -2357

Telephone Courtesy and Customer Service T h e v i d eo uses h umo ur and practical tips to highlight the b a s i cs o f g o od t e l e p h o ne t e c h n i q u e. It c o v e rs v o i ce inflection right through to the art o f negotiation. T h e o b j e c t i ve o f the v i d eo is to highlight the i mp o r t a n ce o f g o od t e l e p h o ne etiquette and g i ve practical tips to i mp r o ve client service. It emp h a s i s es that the telephone is not just an instrument but the primary me a ns o f inter-acting with clients. It b e l i e v es that you can "sense a smile down the line". T h e re are s ome g o od tips on h ow to handle " d i f f i c u l t " callers. Wh i l e there are better v i d e os on t e l e p h o ne handling, these are mo re e x p e n s i v e, this is worth a look. It is for e v e r y b o dy in the practice, not just the receptionist - including ( e s p e c i a l l y) ma n a g i ng partners. Duration: 2 5 minutes. V i d e os are avail- able for hire from the Library for £ 2 0 ( r e f u n d a b le d e p o s i t) for t wo w e e k s. •

Family Law Reports Peter Ward BCL LLM BL, Consultant Editor Peter Byrne BCL DipEurL Solicitor, Editor As highlighted by the recent referendum, legislative and judicial activity in this branch of the law is without parallel. The IFLR provides an essential reference source on a subject of increasing importance for every private practice. Sub. (c. 10 issues + index) £175 ISSN 1393 - 1563 Competition Law Reports Noel J. Travers BCL LLM DipAELS BL, Consultant Editor Peter Byrne BCL DipEurL Solicitor, Editor Reports of decisions, judicial and administrative. Irish & European. • detailed listing tables • articles on topical issues. Comprehensive & informative Sub. (c. 10 issues + index) £175. Irish Laws (Statutes) ISSN 1393 -242X Peter Byrne BCL DipEurL Solicitor, Editor Regular and swift • Indexed title pages to each law revised to flag amendments and the adoption of statutory instruments • Revised text of amendments • Index to the statutes and the statutory instruments. What practitioners always wanted! 23cm, loose-leaf. sub. £99. BAIKONUR ° Direct Delgany Post Office, County Wicklow, Irelanc Fax: + 353 88 557 584 Psychiatric Detention Civil Commitment in Ireland Tom Cooney BCL LLM solicitor Orla O'Neill Dip COT M SC (Econ) An authoratative legal/psychological review of Irish mental health law • Green Paper and White Paper on mental health • admissions procedures • legal regulation of, and right to refuse, psychiatric treatment • model statute on civil commitment and bill of patient's rights. ISBN 1 899794 07 7 c. 225pp„ £22,50 The Right to Die Tom Cooney BCL LLM solicitor Analysis and consideration of the implications of the recent Supreme Court decision in the Ward case • right of competent patients to refuse treatment • incompetent patients • leeislatine for livine v " I terminal illness/unbearable sutrerinsi • ass:: I death • procedural sateeuaros to nrevent a: ISBN 1 899794 08 5 (early 19ao| The Rome Convention on the law Applicable to Contractual Obligations Peter Byrne BCL DIPEURL solicitor Annotated, full convention texts • Irish & UK. implementing legislation ISBN 1 899794 02 6 c. 200 pp., £28 ° BAIKONUR ° Delgany Post Office, County Wicklow, Irelanc j f j s h

this t o p ic a full a i r i n g. T h a t m a y be f or a n o t h er v o l u m e.

M r F r i e T s o t h er w o rk mo st c o m m o n l y r e f e r r ed to by p r a c t i t i o n e rs is his c o - e x e c u t i on o f Irish Stamp Duty. The Law of Contract will sit c o m f o r t a b ly on the s h e l f b e s i de it. Justin McKenna

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The Irish Times

Law Report INDEX 1989 - 1994

This is an index of all judgments published in The Irish Times Law Reports Section on Monday. Now aveuiewte trr••>: ITELIS LTD. 29 F L E ET ST., DUBLIN 2. Please send a Cheque or Postal Order for £9.95 to ITELIS LTD. postage and paekaging free.

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