The Gazette 1995
JULY 1995
Criminal Law Committee Seminar
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Speakers who participated in the recent seminar organised by the < 'riminal Law Committee l-r: Frank McDonnell. Niall Sheridan, Robert Eagar and James MacGuill.
The Criminal Law Committee of the Law Society held a Seminar at the Great Southern Hotel in Galway on 17 June. Fifty-one solicitors and apprentices from all over Ireland attended and greatly benefited from the excellent lectures given by Robert Eagar, James MacGuill, Frank McDonnell and Niall Sheridan. The topics covered were Drunk Driving Prosecutions, Advising Clients in (Custody and the Criminal Justice (Public Order) Act 1994. One of the great benefits of the Conference was the lively question and answer session that followed each of the lectures. The social scene was not neglected either. Galway is always a lively city and the participants had ample opportunity to discover some at least of its many pubs, discos and wine bars. The last official event of the Seminar was a dinner at which Judge John Caravan, who presides over the local District Court, made a very entertaining speech which greatly added toeveryoneN enjoyment of the evening.
Thanks are also due to Benen Fahy, Solicitor, of Galway who chaired the Seminar.
The Committee intends to hold a Seminar on 30 September in the Old Ground Hotel, Ennis, on the changes introduced by the 1994 and 1995 Road Traffic Acts, Advising Clients in Custody, Pre-trial Procedures and the law relating to Asylum Seekers. Application forms are available from Patricia Casey at the Law Society. Anyone who has any suggestions about topics which should be covered or possible venues for similar events in the future should contact Patricia Casey. •
Doyle Court Reporters Principal: Áine O'Farrell Court, Conference, AGMs, Business Meetings, Arbitrations. Verbatim Reporting - Daily Transcripts 2, Arran Quay, Dublin 7. Tel: 872 2833 or 286 2097 (After Hours) Fax: 872 4486 Tíxcettence in (Reporting since 1954
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