The Gazette 1995


INDEX VOL. 8 9 ( 1 9 9 5 )

Forestry Acts 1948-1988,

3: 119

Unit Trusts Act 1972, Unit Trusts Act 1990, 3: 115 (pr.) Value Added Tax Act 1972, s.4(5), 3: 115 (pr.)

Extradition Act 1965, s.50, 7: 287 Part III, 7: 288 Industrial and Provident Societies Acts 1893-1978, 1: 43 Industrial Relations Act 1946, 3: 117 Industrial Relations Act 1990, 3: 117 Investment Intermediaries Act 1995, 7: 305 Irish Nationality and Citizenship Acts 1956-1993, 9: 356 Judicial Separation and Family Law Reform Act 1989, Is 13; 4: 174; 7: 297 Jurisdiction of Courts and Enforcement of Judgments (European Communities) Act 1989, 2: 80-81; 6: 225 Land Act 1965, s.45, 4: 159 Landlord and Tenant (Amendment) Act 1994, 4: 160 (pr.) Maintenance Act 1994, 2: 80,81 Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Act 1973, 3: 117 Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act 1995, ILT Digest 4 (May/June): 1 National Monuments Act 1930, 9: 354 Occupiers Liability Act 1995, 5: 189-190; 9: 353- 355 Offences Against the State Act 1939, 8: 323 Patents Act 1964, 5: 208,209 Patents Act 1992, 5: 208,209 Payment of Wages Act 1991, 3: 117 Postal and Telecommunications Act 1983, Is 19 s.98, 1: 19 Post Office (Amendment) Act 1951, Is 19 Registration of Title Act 1964, 3: 126 Regulation of Information (Services Outside the State for Termination of Pregnancies) Act 1995, ILT Digest 5 (July): 1 Road Traffic Acts 1961-1995, 7: 288 Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 1989, 8: 325 Social Welfare (Consolidation) Act 1993, s.280(l), 4: 172 Solicitors (Amendment) Act 1 9 9 4 v 2: 63; 3: 102; 4: 151 s.26, Is 21 s.47, 4: 167 s.68, 1: 7; 3: 102,103; 4: 167 s.72, 1: 21 S .76(17), 6: 231 (pr.) Succession Act 1965, s.117, 2: 67-68, 72 s. 117(2), 2: 67,68 Terms of Employment (Information) Act 1994, 3: 117 Tourism Traffic Act 1995, ILT Digest 7 (October): 4 Trustee (Authorised Investments) Act 1958, 3: 115 (pr.)

7: 283,284 (pr.)

(iii) BILLS

Summaries of Bills (from Green Pages/ILT Digest):

Adoptive Leave Bill 1993, ILT Digest 4 (May/June): 2 Arterial Drainage (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1995, ILT Digest 6 (August/September): 3 Arterial Drainage (Amendments) Bill 1995, ILT Digest 4 (May/June): 2 An Bord Bia (Amendment) Bill 1995, ILT Digest 7 (October): 1 Casual Trading Bill 1994, ILT Digest 7 (October): 1 Civil Legal Aid Bill 1995, ILT Digest 4 (May/June): 3 Consumer Credit Bill 1994, ILT Digest 4 (May/June): 4 Contempt Bill 1995, ILT Digest 4 (May/June): 1 Coroners (Amendment) Bill 1995, ILT Digest 4 (May/June): 5 Criminal Law (Bail) Bill 1995, ILT Digest 5 (July): 2 Criminal Law (Incest Proceedings) Bill 1995, ILT Digest 4 (May/June): 1 Criminal Law (Incest Proceedings) (No. 2) Bill 1995, ILT Digest 4 (May/June): 4 Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Bill 1995, ILT Digest 4 (May/June): 1 Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) (No. 2) Bill 1995, ILT Digest 4 (May/June): 1 Criminal Procedure Bill 1995, ILT Digest 7 (October): 3 Defamation Bill 1995, ILT Digest 4 (May/June): 3 Domestic Violence Bill 1995, ILT Digest 7 (October): 3 Electoral (Amendment) Bill 1995, ILT Digest 7 (October): 1 Electoral (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1995, ILT Digest 7 (October): 1 Energy (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 1995, ILT Digest 7 (October): 3 Ethics in Public Office Bill 1994, ILT Digest 5 (July): 1 European Communities (Amendment) Bill 1995, ILT Digest 5 (July): 2 Family Law Bill 1994, ILT Digest 4 (May/June): 2 Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 1995, ILT Digest 7 (October): 1, ILT Digest 9 (December): 1 Finance Bill 1995, ILT Digest 5 (July): 3 Fisheries (Amendment) Bill 1995, ILT Digest 8 (November): 2 Freedom of Information Bill 1995, ILT Digest 4 (May/June): 4 Harbours Bill 1995, ILT Digest 6 (August/September): 1 Heritage Bill 1994, ILT Digest 4 (May/June): 1 Industrial Development Bill 1995, ILT Digest 7 (October): 1 Investment Intermediaries Bill 1995, ILT Digest 6 (August/September): 2

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