The Gazette 1995
INDEX VOL. 8 9 ( 1 9 9 5 )
for the Termination of Pregnancies) Bill 1995, In re, SC [19951 2 ILRM 81, 9 (December): 1 S. (A.) v. S. (G.X HC [1994] 2 ILRM 68, 4 (May/June): 3 Stacey (an infant) v. Branch, HC [1995] 2 ILRM 136, 9 (December): 4 Tate v. Minister for Social Welfare, HC [1995] 1 ILRM 507, 9 (December): 2, 9 (December): 3, 9 (December): 4 Terex Equipment Ltd v. Truck and Machinery Sales Ltd, HC [1994] 1 ILRM 557, 3 (April): 1 Tuohy v. Courtney, SC [1994] 2 ILRM 503, 7 (October): 2
DfM.PJ, vD.(M.) [1981] ILRM 179, 2: 68, 72 deB.Q.H.), in the estate of, [1991] 2 IR 105, 2: 68, 72 Director of Public Prosecutions v Gelder, The Times, 16 Dec. 1994, 1: 19 Director of Public Prosecutions v Kenny [1990] ILRM 569, 8: 319 Donovan v Landys Ltd [1963] IR 441, 9: 355 Drohan v Drohan [1981] ILRM 473, 4: 173 Dundalk v Wavin Pipes, (Case 113/80), [1981] ECR 1625, 6: 241 Dunne, inre[ 1988] IR 155, 4: 173 Enderby v Frenchay Health Authority [1994] 1 CMLR 8, 2: 79 Fajujonu v Minister for Justice [1990] 2 IR 151, 9: 356 Francovich and Bonifaci v Italy [1991] 1 ECR 5337, 2: 79 G.& T. Garvey Ltd, in re, HC (unreported), 22 Nov. 1993, 4: 170 Gleeson v Feehan [19931 2 IR 113, 4: 173 H.Q.) deceased, in the goods of, [1984] IR 599, 2: 68,72 Hedley Byrne & Co v Heller & Partners Ltd [1964] AC 465, 3: 105 Hefferon Kearns (No.2), in re, [19931 3 IR 191, 4: 168,169 Hodgins v Hanrock (1845) M & W 120, 7: 303 Lane v Cadura, Mass.App. 376 NE 2d 1232; 93 ALR 3d 59, 2: 74 Lopez Ostra v Spain, Eur.Ct.of Human Rights, 9 Dec. 1994, 2: 65 Lord Advocate v Wotherspoons Trustees (1930) SLT 82, 8: 307 Lynch v Bourke &AIB [1990] 1 IR 1, 8: 322 M.(G.), in re, (1972) 106 ILTR 82, 2: 67 MfN.S.), in re, (1973) 107 ILTR 1, 2: 67,68 Mc Loughlin v Minister for Social Welfare [1958] IR 1, 4: 149 McNamara v ESB [1975] IR 1, 9 354 Marleasing v La Commercial [1992] 1 CMLR 305, 6: 240 IRC v Duchess of Portland [1982] 1 All ER 784, 8: 307 Kennedy v Ireland [1987] IR 587, 1: 31
Groups Inc. v.
Ltd, HC [1995] 2 ILRM 145, 9
(December): 3
Walsh v. Governor of Limerick Prison, SC [1995] 2 ILRM 158, 9 (December): 1 Wood (J.) & Co. Ltd v. Wicklow County Council, HC [1995] 1 ILRM 51, 8 (November): 3
Young v. Pharmaceutical
Society of Ireland, HC
[1994] 2 ILRM 262, 5 (July): 2
Z. v. Director of Public Prosecutions, SC [1994] 2 ILRM 481, 6 (August/September): 2
2. Case Comment - cases examined and/or specially mentioned in articles, editorials, book reviews etc. Addie & Sons Ltd v Dumbreck [19291 AC 358, 9: 355 Airey v Ireland (1979) 2 EHRR 305, 1: 37, 5: 193 Anns vMerton London Borough Council [1978] AC 6, 6: 247 Bank of Baroda v Rayarel & Others, The Times, 19 Jan. 1995, 2 : 65 Bank of Ireland v Fitzmaurice [1989] ILRM 452, 4: 173 Bath Glass, in re, [1988] BCLC 329, 4: 168 Bloomer v Law Society of Ireland and others, HC (unreported), 22 Sept. 1995, 7: 261, 8: 299-302 Bulmer v Bollinger SA [1974] Ch. 401, 2: 79 C., in re, Courts Martial Appeal Court, (unreported), 27 Feb. 1995, 5: 206-207 Caparo Industries pic v Dickman [1990] 1 All ER 568, 3: 105 Cargo Agency, in re, [1992] BCLC 686, 4: 169 Coates v National Trustees Executors (1956) 95 CLR 494, 2: 68 Colquhoun vD'Arcy [1936] IR 641, 9. 341 Cosgrove v Legal Aid Board, HC (unreported), 17 Oct. 1990, 1: 37 CU Fittings Ltd, in re, [1989] BCLC 556, 4: 169
Norris v Attorney General [1984] IR 36, 1: 31
People v Breen, CCA, (unreported), 13 Mar.1995, 5: 206 People v Connell, CCA, (unreported), 3 Apr. 1995, 5: 206 People v Fowler, CCA, (unreported), 24 Feb. 1995, 5: 206
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