The Gazette 1995

MARCH 1995



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AN ASTHMATIC CHILD CAN LEAD A NORMAL LIFE ...and you can help! Asthma affects a quarter of a million people in Ireland alone. Many children and adults suffer unnecessarily with the condition because of lack of understanding. The Asthma Society is trying to ease this situation by helping sufferers to understand that, with the correct treatment, the majority of children and adults can lead a normal active life. If you have a client who wishes to donate to a worthy cause please think of the Asthma U ^ Society and the amount of young lives that ^ M / ^ ^ can be brought back to normality. r ^ ^ y The Asthma Society of Ireland is a registered charity. Asthma Society of Ireland, W H O W I L L F I G H T I R E L A N D ' S N U M B E R O N E K I L L E R ? Heart Attack and Stroke cause 50% of all deaths in Ireland. W E W I L L IHF, a registered charitable organisation, fights Heart Disease and Stroke through Education, Community Service and Research. I F Y O U W I L L Remember the IHF when you are making your will — you can contribute to our work without losing capital or income during your lifetime. Eden House, 1 5 - 17 Eden Qu a y, Dublin 1 Tel (01) 8 7 8 8 5 1 1 Fax (01) 8 7 8 8 1 2 8 The Asthma Society is pleased to acknowledge the financial support of Allen & Hanburys Ltd in funding the cost or this advertisement. ASTHMA SOCIETY O F R E L A N D

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5 Percy Place, Dublin 4. Telephone: 0 1 - 6 6 0 0 4 50 Facsimile: 01 6600437

THE IRISH SOCIETY FOR EUROPEAN LAW "Major Current Developments in EU Law" Professor David O'Keeffe Tuesday 21st March, 1995 at 6.30 p.m. in Newman House, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2. David O'Keeffe, a UCD Graduate, holds the Chair of European Law at University College London and teaches at a numher of Universities on the Continent and in the United States. He is also a consultant with the international firm, Coudert Brothers. Professor O'Keeffe's talk will cover some of the major current issues in LU Law. Membership of the Society is open to Lawyers and all others interested in European I,aw. Details may be obtained from the Hon. Treasurer Ms. Anne Nagle, Solicitor, Solicitor's Office, Telecom Eireann, 52, Harcourt Street, Dublin 2. (Telephone: 671 4444, Telefax: 679 3980).

IRISH HEART FOUNDATION 4 Clyde Road, Dublin 4 Telephone: 01-6685001

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