The Gazette 1995
News f rom the Cr iminal Law Commi t tee - Cr iminal Law Experience for Apprent i ces
Many apprentices work in offices where they cannot gain any experience of Criminal Law and its practice although they are very interested in this type of work. The Criminal Law Committee would therefore like to set up a panel of practitioners in all areas of the country who are prepared to allow suitable apprentices to work in their offices for a period of six to eight weeks to gain experience of Criminal Law. As the whole object is to enable the apprentice to work exclusively on Criminal Law for a period, only practitioners who have a substantial
Pictured at the launch of Eugene McCague's biography of Arthur Cox, are Eugene McCague and the Hon. Mr. Justice Liam Hamilton, Chief Justice. A review of the biography will be printed in the Gazette at a later date.
scheme, please write to Patricia Casey, Solicitor, Secretary to the Criminal Law Committee, The Law Society, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7. •
criminal practice should agree to go on the panel.
If you are willing to participate in this
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