The Gazette 1995
M A R CH 1995
The Practice Management Committee continues to meet every month under the chairmanship of Philip Joyce. It is working on a wide ranging agenda. Some of the principal items which are being actively worked on as part of the agenda include:- At the beginning of the year each practice was supplied free of charge by the Committee with a binder for a set of Practice Management Notes. The Committee has an issue of Practice Management Notes ready to go out with each months Gazette for the next six months. It is important to insert the notes into your binder as soon as they arrive. It will be much easier to read them there than to have to look for them at a later stage when the need arises. If you are missing any notes, contact Cillian MacDomhnaill of the Law Society. There are a limited number of duplicates available. If you would like to have any particular item covered by the Practice Management Notes; please let the Committee know. They will only be too glad to oblige. Q Mark The Committee is in the process of setting up a seminar on hgw practices Practice Management Notes:
may apply for and obtain the Q Mark. Practitioners will have noticed from recent issues of the Gazette that a number of practices have already been given this recognition. There will be more news on this in the weeks to come.
Video Library
The Committee is in the process of establishing a video library on Practice Management Topics. Brian O'Reilly who is in charge of this project is finding it difficult to get videos specifically on legal Practice Management. Setting up the library is quite an expensive process and it is hoped that there will be an official launch of the service in the very near future. If anybody has any videos which they would like to donate to the Committee for use in the library, the Committee would be pleased to accept them. The Committee has begun the preparation of an office manual. This will be a manual particular to each office which will set out how the office ought to be run. At the moment the Committee is considering sections of the Manual dealing with Personnel and Administration, Office Procedures, and Client Care. In view Office Management Manual
Practice Link
This service is working well. It is designed to put practitioners who wish to acquire, sell, merge or retire from practice in touch with each other. Further information can be obtained from Cillian MacDomhnaill of the Law Society.
Mandatory Continuing Legal Education
The Committee is preparing a syllabus for Mandatory Continuing Legal Education in the area of Practice Management. Discussions are presently taking place between the Education Committee and the Continuing Legal Education Committee on this topic. Practice Management is likely to be the first area where Mandatory Continuing Legal Education will be introduced for the profession.
of the size of this project it will probably be some time before it comes to maturity.
Dominic Dowling
Doyle Court Reporters Principal: Áine O'Farrell Court, Conference, AGMs, Business Meetings, Arbitrations. Verbatim Reporting - Daily Transcripts 2, Arran Quay, Dublin 7. Tel: 872 2833 or 286 2097 (After Hours) Fax: 872 4486 'Excellence in (Reporting since 1954
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