The Gazette 1994



Rev i ew of t he Educat ion and Training of Apprent i ces

the Society. New areas including non- law subjects (for example, practice management and computer training) will be investigated and appropriate modules will be developed. It is also intended to put in place a system which will allow for a regular review of all subjects being taught on Law School courses.

and the master and apprentice could make alternative arrangements to cover any lacuna. This manual will incorporate standard documentation including the apprenticeship deed and the memorandum and undertaking of the master. It will also include reading lists, alternative career possibilities and a help section. Working Group Co-Ordinator: James MacGuill. Readers will recognise that the task of such a comprehensive review as outlined above is a complex and challenging one. We would invite you to put forward your views on any or all of the above directly to the co-ordinator of each of the working groups or, by sending your written contribution to Harriet Kinahan, Education Officer, Law School, Rlackhall Place.

Working Group Co-Ordinator: John Costello, Eugene F. Collins & Son.

Teaching Methods: Training and Support for Consultants

The objective of this working group is to evaluate critically the various teaching methods which are currently employed in the Law School. Should we give students more advanced reading? How effective is the tutorial system? How can we ensure more active student participation? How can we ensure the highest teaching standards from our consultants and tutors? The examination and continual assessment system will also be reviewed. Working Group Co-Ordinator: Professor Richard Woulfe, Director of Education. This working group is aiming to compile a user-friendly manual which will be an effective tool for both master and apprentice during the in-office training period. This manual will set out a training schedule which will cover all the major i areas of practice and which will indicate the type of work apprentices should be exposed to in the course of their apprenticeship, the level of responsi- bility appropriate at each stage and a method for evaluating the training being received. It will provide a barometer for both master and apprentice of the work j experience which should be achieved at each stage of the apprenticeship. If there is a clear lack of exposure in particular areas this can be identified in advance Apprentice/Master Training Manual

James MacGuill, Chairman, Education Advisory Committee.

The task of educating and training future members of the profession is an ever-challenging and onerous one. It is necessary from time to time to step back and review the contents of the courses in the Law School and the teaching methodology. The objective is to run an efficient and effective Law School and to ensure that apprentices are receiving quality formation for their future careers. The Education Advisory Committee, under the chairmanship of James MacGuill, has recently set up three working groups with a view to producing comprehensive documents on the following areas: The objective of this working group is to review the structure and content of all modules which are currently being taught on the Professional and Advanced Courses. A further objective is to try to ensure that all courses have a component which will deal with the ethical and professional difficulties which can arise in practice. This review will seek to make the necessary link between the Professional Course, the Advanced Course, the Continuing Legal Education programme and all the specialist and regulatory committees of Review of Current Courses


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