The Gazette 1994


P R 0 F E S iS I 0 N A L



of Ibane and Barryroe and County of Cork. Co. Cork. Mark and Denise White, Coilleach, Spiddal, Co. Galway, Folio: 37689F; Townland: Killough. Co. Galway. Patrick Crehan, Folio: 25407; | Townland: Castlesampson; Area: 27(a) 5(r) 29(p). Co Roscommon. | Philomena Kirk, Folio: 768F; Land: ! Corkish; Area: l(r) 29(p). Co. Cavan. In the Matter of the Registration of Title Act, 1964 and of the Application of Michael Murphy Application No. 92DN07066 TAKE NOTICE that Michael Murphy of 46 Ovenden Green, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX3 5ER England has lodged an application for registration of his title of an estate in fee simple free from incumbrances in ALL THAT AND THOSE the dwellinghouse and garden situate in the townland of Barnacullia, Sandyford, Parish of Kilgobbin, Barony of Rathdown and County of Dublin as more particularly delineated and described on a map thereof lodged in the Land Registry. The map and application may be j inspected at this Registry. TAKE FURTHER NOTE that after the expiration of one calendar month from the date of publication of this notice the registration will be proceeded with unless in the meantime good cause is shown to the contrary. All persons objecting to such registration are hereby required to file j their objections in writing duly verified : in this Land Registry, Nassau Building, Setanta Centre, Dublin 2. 30 January 1994. Pat O'Brien, Chief Examiner of Titles. | Lost Title Deeds

j Part of the lands of Ballybrook, Area 133(a) l(r) 39(p). Co. Meath. Charles William Mellon, Folio: 5000; Land: Townland of Howth, Barony of ; Coolock; Co. Dublin. Edwin Thomas Brown, Folio: 27220; Land: Lisnalea, Model Farm Road, I Cork. Co. Cork. i Joseph and Imelda Carmody, 10 Upper Market Street, Ennis, Co. Clare, Folio: 1604IF; Townland: Clonroad Beg; Area: 0.047 hectares. Co. Clare. Peter Doody, Folio: 15663; Land: (1) Granny, (2) Granny; Area: (1) 52.330 acres, (2) 18.575 acres; Co. Kilkenny. Oliver Reilly and Anthony Reilly, Folio: 1827; Land: Part of the lands of Riverstown; Area; 20(a) l(r) 12(p). Co. , Louth. Julia Mary Greene and James Anthony Greene, Folio: 3014L; Land: Townland of Ballincollig, Barony of Í East Muskerry and County of Cork. Co. Cork. Patrick Doherty, Folio: 24486; Land: Carrontlieve; Area: 13.955 acres. Co. Donegal. Emily Moore, Folio: 39325; Land: Gurteennasawna, Barony of Carbery I East, (West Division) County of Cork. ! Co. Cork. John Walsh, Folio: 16107; Land: Part of the land of Kiltorcan. Co. Kilkenny. í | Finbarr O'Neill (deceased) and Letitia O'Neill, Windy Ridge, Rathanker, Passage West, Co. Cork, Folio: 58137; Land: Townland of Rathanker, Barony of Kerricurrihy and County of Cork. Co. Cork. Peadar Curran, Folio: 13814; Land: Townland of Castlekeely, Barony of Clane and County of Kildare. Co. Kildare.

Lost Land Certificates

Registration of Title Act, 1964

An application has been received from the registered owners mentioned in the Schedule hereto for the issue of a Land Certificate as stated to have been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A new Certificate will be issued unless notification is received in the Registry within twenty-eight days from the date of publication of this notice that the original Certificate is in existence and in the custody of some person other than the registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the Certificate is being held. (Registrar of Titles) Central Office, Land Registry, (Clarlann na Talun), Chancery Street, Dublin 7. Published: 30 January, 1994. Patrick Kelly and Sarah Kelly, Folio: 31577; Land: Reennanallagane; Area: 0(a) l (r) 19(p). Co. Kerry. Rita Dunne, deceased. Folio: 314L; Land: No. 11 Redemption Road, Parish of St. Anne's, City of Cork. Co. Cork. Michael A Harte, Folio: 2782F; Land: part of the townland of Tomnamuck. Co. Wexford. Mary Ryan, Folio: 1198F; Land: 171 Redford Park, Greystones, Barony of Rathdown and County of Wicklow. Co. Wicklow. Muckalee Co-Operative Dairy Society Limited, Folio: 16285; Land: (1) Muckalee, (2) Muckalee. Area (1) Henry Collins, Folio: 6707; Land: (1) Redcow, (2) Dowdallshill; Area: (1) 8(a) l(r) 19(p), (2) 7(a) l(r) 30(p). Co. Louth. Hans & Aedeamar Hofmann, "Bardowie", Orwell Park, Rathgar, Dublin. Folio: 389IF; Townland: Glencoh; Area: 0(a) 0(r) 34(p); Co. Galway. j 56(a) 2(r) 7(p), (2) 14(a) 2(r) l(p). Co. Kilkenny.

Catherine M. Hughes, Folio: 58830; Land: Townland of Dunnycove, Barony

Frederick Meade, Folio: 1852; Land:


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