The Gazette 1994



J a m e s W . O ' D o n o v an

founder member of the Cork Ballet Company and also of the Irish National Ballet, he served as Chairman of both organisations for many years. He was also a Past President of the Cork Orchestral Society. In addition he was a member of the Advisory Board of the General Accident Fire & Life Assurance Company. On one occasion the late Mr. O'Donovan, who was 83 when he died, stood for Cork Corporation as a member of the now defunct Civic Party. The President and Council of the Law Society were represented at his funeral by Barry St. J. Galvin, Law Society Council member. CH n

James W. O 'Donovan, a senior partner in the firm of J.W.

O'Donovan & Company, South Mall, was one of the best known legal . figures in Cork. He qualified as a solicitor in 1931. He was educated at Presentation Brothers College and was a Past-President of the Past Pupils Union. A Past-President of the Law Society of Ireland and a Past-President of the Southern Law Association, he had a long and illustrious legal career. As a senior colleague at the Bar put it at his funeral "James W., as he was affectionately known throughout the profession, was one of nature's gentlemen, and a credit to the profession. His clients' interests were always paramount". insisting that the signature of transferors on stock transfer forms be witnessed, even though this was not necessary under the Stock Transfer Act. The Professional Purposes Committee made representations to the Central Bank on the matter. The Central Bank explained that it had introduced this requirement in consideration of its duties of care and attention to its stock- holders. The Bank has now agreed that in future it will accept any of the following: (a) transfer form witnessed by a solicitor, bank manager or stockbroker; (b) transfer form not witnessed but accompanied by written confirma- tion from a solicitor on headed notepaper to the effect that the signature is that of the stockholder; (c) transfer form not witnessed but submitted under cover of a solicitor's letter; (d) transfer form not witnessed but branded with the stamp of the solicitor's firm; Pract i ce Notes - Continued

The late James W. O 'Donovan

James W. was also a dynamic figure in the cultural life of Cork City. A

(e) transfer form not witnessed or

branded, provided that the transfer of stock is in respect of payment of death duties.

Professional Purposes Committee

The Law Directory 1994

Insurance Premium Refunds Arising on Mortgage Redemptions When houses are sold vendors normally cancel their home insurance and obtain a refund in respect of the unexpired period of cover. In certain cases insurance cover is arranged and paid for through the lending agency which provided the finance for the purchase of the property. In these cases does anyone think of obtaining a refund? The Conveyancing Committee takes the view that the application for the refund is a matter between the client, the lending agency and the insurance company. However, practitioners may wish to bring the point to the notice of their clients.

T h e 1 9 94 e d i t i on of t h e L a w D i r e c t o ry h as n o w b e e n p u b l i s h ed a n d s e n t t o m e m b e r s of t h e p r o f e s s i o n. A d d i t i o n a l c o p i es a r e a v a i l a b l e f r om t h e S o c i e t y at a cost of £ 4 0 . 0 0 pe r c o py i n c l u d i ng p o s t a ge a n d p a c k i n g.

Co n t a c t: Linda Dolan at t h e L aw So c i e t y.

Conveyancing Committee


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