The Gazette 1994



C o n c e r n ed L a w y e r s Ra i se £ 1 2 , 0 0 0 f o r t h e H ome l e ss

C o m p e n s a t i on F u n d P a y m e n t s - D e c e m b e r , 1 9 93 The following claim amounts were admitted by the Compensation Fund Committee and approved for payment by the Council of the Law Society at its meeting in December, 1993. The name of the solicitor in respect of whom the claim occurred is listed in the left hand column. IR£ Christopher Forde, 25,929.68 52, O'Connell Street, Ennis, Co. Clare. John Kiernan Brennan, 3,743.27 Mayfield,

At the wine and cheese party run by CLASP were l-r: Don Tidey, Company Council; Joan Burton, TD, Minister of State at the Department of Social Welfare and The Hon. Mr. Justice Hugh O'Flaherty. CLASP (Concerned Lawyers Chairman and Chief Executive, Quinnsworth; Frank Clarke, SC, Chairman of the Bar

received and can be forwarded to Rita Walsh, Tel: 7024600 at the Law Library, Four Courts, Dublin 7. Among the organisations already helped by CLASP's fund-raising activities are Focus Point, which provides help for the homeless and in particular, homeless young people; the St. Vincent's Trust in Henrietta Street, which provides a day training centre for approximately 65 young people, many of whom have been involved in crime; the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice, which runs three hostels for homeless boys on the Northside of the City of Dublin; Exchange House, run by the Dublin Committee for the Travelling People, which provides education and training for the travelling community and the Merchant's Quay, (Dublin) Project, which addresses the problems facing the victims of AIDS and their families. • outside groups endeavour to stir up what may be described as "grass roots" opposition and conservative journalists are given the negative dossiers. All simultaneously raise alarms which can have a potent effect. The borking phenomenon is unknown in Ireland because it is the Government of the day that appoints persons to the Bench and nobody gets an opportunity to bork or to comment in any manner in advance in relation to such appointments. •

Association for the Alleviation of Social Problems) held a very successful wine and cheese party on 17 December last in order to raise funds to aid the homeless. Over £12,000 was raised from the function and all proceeds will be donated to the Salvation Army for its new £4.5m Granby Centre Project which will house more than 100 people. The centre is expected to open in February, 1994. Guest of honour at the function was Joan Burton TD, Minister of State at the Department of Social Welfare. The Bar Choral Society provided the evening's entertainment. CLASP would like to thank all those who supported the venture and made donations. CLASP's fund-raising target for this project is £20,000 and thus, if any member of the le gal professions would like to make a donation, it would be gratefully L a w b r i e f - Continued excerpts of past opinions, writings or speeches. During the Reagan-Bush years, liberal stacks on judicial and Justice j Department nominees instigated the J forking phenomenon. However, now J despite the protest about liberal j tactics, conservatives in the United States are putting together what has b een described as a potent borking Machine. Apparently Republican Senator aides compile negative j

Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. James C. Glynn, Dublin Road, Tuam, Co. Galway. Peter J. Smith, 41 Arran Quay, Dublin 7. Conor Killeen & Elio Maloeco




Chatham House, Chatham Street, Dublin 2. St. John M. Donovan,


"Lawcus", Stoneyford,

Co. Kilkenny. Robert Coffey,


22 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2.


London West End Solicitors will advise and undertake UK related matters. All areas - Corporate/Private Client. Resident Irish Solicitor. Reciprocal arrangement and fee sharing envisaged. Agency work also. Contact Ellis & Fairbairn, 26 Old Brompton Road, South Kensington, London SW7 3 DL. Tel. 0044-71- 589-0141. Fax. 0044-71-225-3935.

dossiers on nominees; like-minded


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