The Gazette 1994

JULY 1994



Commercial property values areabout as consistent as Irishweather. The value of property fluctuates according to supply and demand and is constantly changing. Sherry FitzGerald have a wealth of experience and detailed knowledge of the techniques of valuation plus up to date information on market conditions to carry out. ASSET VALUATIOM5 REMT REVIEWS FOR LAMDLORD OR TEHAMT RATIMG APPEALS LEASE REMEWALS CAPITAL TAXATIOM ARBITRATIOM/EXPERT WITMES5 A call to Gordon Gill or Sean McCormack will give you an accurate forecast. Sherry FitzGerald

If your client is leaving a bequest to charity, please remember the work of CONCERN. If you would like copies of CONCERN 'S free advice booklet "Making a Will?" please contact: Gráinne Keevers

1 Upper Camden Street Dublin 2 Ph: (01) 475 4162

PLEASEMAKETHEMYOURS TO The Irish Ki dney As s o c i a t i on is the only national organisation working solely in the interest of patients with chronic kidney disease. More and more Irish families are relying on the financial and psychological support they receive from the Irish Kidney Association. Since 6 0% of the patients are unemployed the IKA is called on to help with the basic family requirements - rent, electricity, school books and uniforms, drugs and sadly of all burial expenses. Research, purchases of life saving equipment and printing of the donor cards help improve the quality of life of the patients. This voluntary organisation is a registered charity and we badly need your help.

Sherry FitzGerald • Comme r c i al he r r i on Row • Dublin Z Tel 6616198 Fax 6 6 1 9 9 09

Donations and bequests to:- Irish Kidney Association 'Donor House',

156 Pemb r oke Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. Phone: 01 - 6 6 8 9 7 8 8 /9 F a x : 01 - 6 6 8 3 8 20


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