The Gazette 1994
INDEX VOL. 8 8 ( 1 9 9 4)
Higher Education Grants Scheme, 4: 134 Law Society Education Advisory Committee SADSI proposals, 10: 385 reunion of Past Auditors, 6: 223 (pict) review of activities, 1994, 10: 385 social events, 2: 74, 4: 134, 10: 385 mid-summer ball, 5: 180, 7: 251, 7: 258 (pict)
legal adjudicator - scope criticised, 4: 133 media reports, 1: 9, 2: 49, 3: 93-94, 5: 181, 6: 232 new provisions, 2: 47 (Pres.) SOLICITORS BENEVOFSSOCIATION. see Charitable Events and Functions SPORTS ACTIVITIES Irish Solicitors Golfing Society, 5: 180, 8: 294 Lady Solicitors' Golf Outing, 6: 230, 8: 312 Solicitor Apprentices Rugby Club, 8: 290 Solicitors/Judges Golf Tournament/Dinner, October 1994, 9 332 (pict) tennis match Law Society of Ireland v. Law Society of England and Wales, 9 333 (pict) yachting match Law Society of England and Wales/DSBA, 5: 185 (pict), 5: 198 YMC Soccer Blitz 1994, 6: 222 STAMP DUTY Deeds of Assent and Deeds of Family Arrangement (R. King), 8: 309-12
SALARIES, see Remuneration
SALE OF GOODS unfair contract terms directive, 5: 170
SENTENCING Emmins on Sentencing (2nd ed. by M. Wasik), (rev), 5: 196-97 Striking a Balance on Sentencing (Dublin Solicitors Bar Association seminar), 5: 199-200 SEX DISCRIMINATION Discrimination on Grounds of Pregnancy as Sex Discrimination (M. Bolger), 10: 383-84 SEXUAL HARASSMENT EEA Draft Code of Practice, 7: 255 (LawbrieJ)
State Entrepreneursbip, and European Community Law (J.H.V. Stuyck, A.J. National Monopolies
SMALL CLAIMS PROCEDURES District Court rules, 1: 11 (LawbrieJ)
Vossestein, Eds.), (rev), 3- 118 use of foreign legal firms, 5: 180
SMALL FIRMS ASSOCIATION relationship between small firms and solicitors - survey, 8: 288
STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS, see Limitation of Actions
STATUTORY INTERPRETATION feminine gender to include masculine gender
SOCIAL WELFARE personal representative's liability
Interpretation (Amendment) Act 1993, 2: 51 (LawbrieJ)
Social Welfare (Consolidation) Act 1993 (R- King), 4: 141-42
STATUTORY OFFENCES Solicitors (Amendment) Act provisions, 10: 354
SOLICITOR LINK SERVICE, 5 169 (edl.), 9 327
SOLICITORS court dress, 8: 291 (LawbrieJ) judicial appointments, eligibility for, 8: 281 (edl.), 9 321 (edl.) public service legal posts, exclusion from, see Public Service SOLICITORS ACCOUNTS REGULATIONS Are Your Books in Order? (Jim Dobson), 5: 173-75 correction, 6: 214
domicile, 3: 109 Emigration - a Taxing Matter (R. Grogan), 3: 109-12 residence, 3 109-10 New Residence Provisions - Finance Act, 1994 (R. O'Riordan), 9: 342-44 residential property tax Calculating a Residential Property Tax Liability (R. Grogan), 6: 225-28 certificate of clearance, 6: 229 (pr.) stamp duty, see Stamp Duty Value Added Tax (D. Cremins and D. O'Brien), (rev), 3: 115 TAXATION COMMITTEE draft particulars delivered forms, concern over, 8: 287 practice notes, see Practice Notes review of activities, 1993-1994, 9: 327 (Pres)
SOLICITORS (AMENDMENT) ACT 1994 key provisions, 10: 354
SOLICITORS (AMENDMENT) BILL 1994, 2: 47 (Pres.), 7: 249 enactment, 10: 354 fee advertising - time for a rethink, 4: 129 (edl.) Law Society objections, 2: 47 (Pres.) Law Society response, 3- 91, 5: 179, 9: 323
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