The Gazette 1994
APRIL 1994
Dublin 6 also late of Leitrim (otherwise known as Corbawn) Dring, Co. Longford. Would anyone having knowledge of the whereabouts of a will of the above named deceased who died on 1 August 1993, please contact Thomas K. Madden & Co., Solicitors, 4 Dublin Street, Longford. Tel: 043 41192. McGuinness, Agnes, deceased, late of 3 Assaroe, Heights, Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal. Would any person knowing of the whereabouts of a will of the above named deceased who died on 27 September 1993, please contact Brittons, Solicitors, Tirconaill Street, Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal. Tel: 072 51187 or Fax: 072 52057. Waugh, Barbara, late of 37 Dun na Mara Drive, Renmore, Co. Galway, who died 24 December 1993, at Ville Maria, Delmar, Nursing Home, Barna, Co. Galway. Would any person knowing the whereabouts of the will of the above named deceased please contact C.P. Crowley & Co., Solicitors, Augustine House, Merchants Road, Galway. Tel: 091 66131 or Fax: 091 66133. Experienced Sole Practitioner, Dublin south side, with annual turnover in excess of £100,000, would like to hear from similar with a view to a two/four person practice with a view to giving a better, expanded service. Would particularly interest those with a litigation, family law or commercial background. Box No: 31. Apprenticeship sought by graduate. Law Society exams Part I passed this year. Experience of pensions and trust law and legal drafting in legal dept. of pension consultants. Some previous experience as law clerk/legal assistant. All areas considered. Contact Hugh 2858251. Experienced Solicitor available immediately for part-time or locum work. Any area considered. Phone Dublin 318519 or Reply Box No. 32. Apprenticeship Sought by mature 25 year old male Arts graduate who has Employment
passed Final Examination, Part I. Capable, diligent with good skills and work experience. Write to box No: 33 or telephone 01-2894374. Locum Solicitor required to cover maternity leave commencing in June 1994 for practice 30 miles north of Dublin. Conveyancing and small amount of probate work. Successful applicant will require substantial experience in these areas and will have to work without assistance. Replies in writing to Box No: 34. Personal Injury Claims in England and Wales. Specialist P I solicitors can assist in all types of injury claims. One of our staff is in Ireland for one week in every month. Legal aid available to clients that qualify. Contact David Levene & Co., 560 - 568 High Road, London NI7 9TA, Telephone: 0044-81- 365-1822 Fax: 0044-81-808-4802. A g e n t s - E n g l a n d a n d W a l e s . W e are \\ ill ing lo ael as a g e n ts lor Irish Nolic iloi s in ei\ il and c r i m i n al 1 it igat ion i. ( o n l a c l : ( I l l i c r s. S o l i c i t o r s. 2/3 T h e liirllcs. \\ \ i h e i i s h au e. ( i\ ic London West End Solicitors Will advise and undertake UK related matters. All areas - Corporate/Private Client. Resident Irish Solicitor. Reciprocal arrangement and fee sharing envisaged. Agency work also. Contact: Ellis & Fairbairn, 26 Old Brompton Road, South Kensington, London SW7 3DL. Tel: 0044-71- 589-0141 Fax:0044-71-225-3935. Probate re: Joseph Carroll - Coventry. Would the solicitor who tried to contact the above named please write to Stephen Carroll at 15 Forge Road, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, England or phone 0926 56214 between 1 and 5 p.m. or 0926 50089 evenings. Belfast Solicitors will advise and undertake commercial or private matters throughout Northern Ireland. Regular Miscellaneous C Villi c. M a n c h e s t e r. \\22 S R I . T c l c p h o n e: 0 0 4 4 - 0 1 - 4 3 7 0 5 2 7 l a c s mu l e: 0 0 4 4 4 ) 1 4 3 7 3 2 2 5 .
consultations in Dublin or the West. Contact Paul Nolan or Julie Leonard for information booklet. Paul K. Nolan & Co., Solicitors, 135a Upper Lisburn Road, Belfast BT10 0LH, Tel: 080 232 301933,080 232 601784. Northern Ireland Agents for all contentious and non-contentious matters. Consultation in Dublin if required, reasonable rates. Contact Norville Connolly, D & E Fisher, Solicitors, 8 Trevor Hill, Newry. Telephone: 080693-61616 or Fax: 080693-67712. English Solicitor (49 with Irish family background), ex-managing partner of major regional firm and now in practice on own account, would like to meet Irish firms interested in practice management advice and/or commercial law assistance on ad hoc or other flexible basis - please reply to Box No: 35. Please note that from 1 April 1994 Aidan Eames & Robert Dore who formerly practised at Eames Dore & Company, Solicitors as partners, will henceforth be practising solely under the style of "Eames & Company" and "Dore and Company " both practising from 2 City Gate, Bridge Street, Dublin 8. The Inaugural Burren Law School 1994 Convened by Brian Sheridan, Solicitor and The Clare Bar Association at Newtown Castle Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare Friday, 22 April to Sunday 24 April, 1994 'Woman & Family in Irish Law - A Brehon & C20 Perspective' A stimulating weekend of lectures, debate and fun. Speakers include Professor William Duncan, Law School, Trinity College, Dublin and Dr. Muireann ni Bhrolchain, Maynooth University. For further information please telephone (065) 77200 or (01) 2692126
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