The Gazette 1994
W H O W I LL F I G HT I R E L A N D ' S N U M B E R ONE K I LLER? Heart Attack and Stroke cause 50% of all deaths in Ireland. WE W I LL IHF, a registered charitable organisation, fights Heart Disease and Stroke through Education, Community Service and Research. IF Y OU W I LL Remember the IHF when you are making your will — you can contribute to our work without losing capital or income during your lifetime.
W h en a client makes a will in favour of the Society, it would be appreciated if the bequest were stated in the following words: 7 give,devise andbequeath thesumof pounds totheIrish Cancer SocietyLimitedto be applied by it for any of its charitable objects, asit,atitsabsolute discretion, maydecide." Al monies received by the Society are expendewithin the Republic of Ireland.
"Conquer Cancer Campaign" and is used by the Society The "Cancer Research Advancemen t Board" allocates all Research Grants on behalf of the Society.
is a Registered Business Name for some fund raising purposes.
IRISH HEART FOUNDATION 4 C l y de Ro a d , Du b l i n 4 T e l e p h o n e: 0 1 - 6 6 8 5 0 01
5 Northumberland Road, Dublin 4. Tel. (01) 668 1855.
Irish St enographers Ltd E x p e r t s in Ov e r n i g ht T r a n s l a t i ons Sp e c i a l i s ts in Co u r t R e p o r t i ng
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Me d i c a l C a s e s / A r b i t r a t i ons C o n f e r e n c es / Bo a rd Me e t i n gs Contact: H i l l c r est Ho u s e , Da r g l e Va l l ey, Br ay, Co . W i c k l ow. or 4A A r r an Qua y, Dub l in 7. T e l e p h o n e : ( 0 1 ) 2 8 6 2 1 8 4 F a x : ( 0 1 ) 2 8 6 2 1 8 4
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