The Gazette 1994
MARCH 1994
T r a v e l L a w y e r s M e e t I n D u b l i n The ninth international conference of 1FTTA, the International Forum of Travel and Tourism Advocates, is taking place in Dublin from May 23 to May 25, 1994. The conference is being co-sponsored by the International Bar Association Section on Business Law, Travel and Tourism Committee. The aim of IFTTA is to provide a resource, worldwide, of travel law information such as relevant legislat- ion, regulations, agreements and case law from the members' jurisdictions. Among the topics that will be dealt with at the conference in Dublin are: • Tourism in areas of conflict - overcoming prejudice and rebuilding confidence. • Competition law - the impact on the airline and travel industries. • Special group travel - legal framework for tour operators and travel agents. • Protecting our heritage - tourism: the responsible approach. Further information and conference registration forms are available from: Helen Higgins, Conference Co-ordinator, Ninth International Congress, IFTTA, 4 Inns Court, Winetavern Street, Dublin 8. Telephone: 01 6794400 Fax:016791463- •
was the one Willie cherished most. In every letter we got mention was made of all the happy times we had together. And there were happy times - the Monday night debates, with distinguished chairmen and our own great orators, especially in the fifties. The Saturday night dances, when it was said "through these portals pass the most beautiful girls in Dublin" and the inevitable parties afterwards. The dress dances (as we called them then) in the Gresham; we have all the group photographs. But the highlight of the year was the Inaugural, when the Auditor was cossetted like a mediaeval Royal Prince, while his handmaidens helped me prepare the feast; they to emerge, that evening in all their beauty, some to collect medals, (sexism was an unknown word then but I doubt if we would have cared) and, of course, the party afterwards which went on until dawn. The other great day was the election of the Auditor, Officers and Committee. Does anyone remember the Equity Examiner? All the romances were revealed (and some that existed only in the Editor's imagination) and then the "Innings" that night. In the early years, we used to have it in Mills of Merrion Row but we had some other good venues. That was our night to be cossetted. And the Society of Young Solicitors - a natural follow on. Indeed it was no coincidence that in the early years of the SYS the Chairman was an ex- auditor or one of the ex-officers of Blackhall Place, the SYS went from strength to strength, to become highly successful. Of course, the highlight of the SYS week-ends, for the privileged few, was the Poker Club. These memories and many more will ensure that Willie will always be with us. SADSI and while the Debating Society never really adjusted to
Israeli Attorney Seeks Contact
The Editor, Gazette Dear Editor,
I am an Israeli attorney who is interested in making contact with colleagues in Ireland. Recently, our two nations opened diplomatic relations and I believe that the flow of mutual business transactions will likely grow with the coming years. Therefore, I would be pleased to estab- lish contact with law offices in Ireland who may be interested in this exchange. I am a national committee officer in our Israel Bar, an adjunct law instructor at a local law school and engage in a civil and commercial law practice. I look forward to hearing from you and receiving information on your society. Yours etc., David Leitman, Adv., 20 Weizman Street, Herzliya 46498, Israel.
'Royal College of ( Surgeons in Ireland
in favour of The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland contributes to medical education and training and important research. Please think of us! For further details contact: The Registrar, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 123 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2. Tel: (01) 4780200 Charity No. CHY1277
I r i sh L a w y e r s F i s h i ng C l u b
This year the Irish Lawyers Fishing Club's Annual Fishing Trip will be to Lough Conn on 13 and 14 May, 1994 (Salmon Fishing on 15 May to be organised).
Further details are available from Michael O 'Byrne phone 046-40004. •
Yours etc., Dymphna O'Reilly
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