The Gazette 1993



5. Occupational prospects

- in collaboration with the Fachinstitut fur Betriebswirtschaft und Steuerrecht (Institute for Business Economics and Tax Law), will give a preparatory course for the aptitude test. It will take place in the summer of 1993, covering a period of five weeks. Detailed information and a prospectus on the seminar can be obtained either from the Deutscher Anwaltverein (Adenaueralle 106, D-5300 Bonn 1, Fax: 00-49-228-260746) or from the Fachinstitut fiir Betriebswirtschaft und Steuerrecht, which is run by the authors of this article, MarienstraBe 8, D-7800 Freiburg, telephone: 00-49- 761-39090 and 39036, Fax: 30625). References 1. The German system does not distinguish between "barrister" and "solicitor". 2. EC Council Directive 89/48 from Dec. 21, 1988 (Directive), Amtsblatt der Europáischen Gemeinschaften Nr. L 19, 0. 16. 3. Bundesgesetzblatt (Federal Law Gazette) BGBI I, 1349, cf. also regulations on the aptitude test (Verordnung iiber die Eignungspriifung fiir die Zulassung zur Rechtsanwaltschaft) of Dec. 18, 1990. BGBI I, p. 2881. 4. Cf. § 6 Eignungspriifungsgesetz (EignungspG). 5. Cf. Art. 7, para. 1 and para. 2 of the Directive. 6. Cf. Feuerich, Neue Juristische Wochenzeitschrift (NJW) 1-991, P. 1144. 7. Cf. § 29 a of Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO). Information

8. Cf. § 5 EignungspG. and § 6 of the Verordnung iiber die Eignungspriifung (regulations on the aptitude test). 9. Ibid. 10. Cf. § 6 EignungspG. 11. Cf. §§ 6 para. 4 EignungspG, 1 para. 2 of the Verordnung des Bundesministers der Justiz of Dec. 18, 1990 on the aptitude test for Zulassung zur Rechtsanwaltschaft (admission to practice as a lawyer) VO. 14. Cf. amtliche Begrundung (official statement of reasons) der VO zu § 7, Bundesrat Brucksache (BRDrucks.) 712/90, p. 18. 15. Cf. §§ 3 EignungspG, 3 para. 1 of the VO. 12. Cf. § 11 para. 1 of VO. 13. Cf. § 2 s.2 EignungspG.

To an increasing extent, lawyers and legal experts in enterprises are not only expected to have knowledge of European Community Law but to have a distinct comprehension of the "other" legal systems. Acquiring the double qualification "Lawyer and Rechtsanwalt" can satisfy the increasing demand for comprehensive legal advice and counselling across national borders. At the same time, a lawyer thus specialized gains considerable competitive advantages. Among the fields of activity that can be opened up by acquiring the double qualification are: management consultancy to German enterprises in Ireland and of Irish enterprises either with residence in Germany or with the intention to gain a foothold there, co-operation with German lawyers, establishing places of business in Germany, employment in internationally- oriented lawyers' offices based in either Germany or Ireland, as well as practising one's profession in industry and commerce, financial corporations, and associations.

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6. Preparatory seminar for the aptitude test

Under the auspices of its president, Dr. Giinter Schardey, the Deutscher Anwaltverein - representing the interests of more than 37,000 lawyers in the Federal Republic of Germany

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